my plant that is 3 weeks in has been drooping for about three days now and i was wondering what could be causing this?
hi, could be over watered, but the soil doesnt look to bad, & it should sort it self out within few days(if no more water is added & its left to dry out some what), my plants always look like that when i give em a good water then they perk back up after a matter of hours or a day max, when did u last water? & can u give any more details on ur grow? ps for got to say i dont think its under watered as i can see some of the soil is moist
its moist because i watered it tonight, strain is NL, got 3 cfls on 2 plants, just added one half tsp of blackstrap molasses tonight boiled then mixed in the water, in 3 gal buckets (only 2 gal filled in each). 24/7 light cycle, i use a spray bottle to water it and i have a fan blowing constantly.
if you use a spray bottle to water it then the roots probably arent getting enough water, let your media dry out for a day or two, see if she perks up, if not, then give those roots a good soakin
i see no need to worry, looks like the makings of a bush rather than a tree. But she looks healthy since she's only 3 weeks in. If you're feeding her organically, she looks like she may be slightly overfed, and you might check your Ph runout too.
what is the temp of your grow box/area?? could be too much heat, coupled with the soil being too compacted/not aerated enough. what is your soil mix? i see perlite, but maybe not enough. is there a lot of peat moss? peats great to retain water, horrible for breathing. cfl's hardly put off heat, but thought id check anyhow. also, you probably know not to spray the plant right before a dark cycle to prevent molds. i never spray the plant for that worry alone....
stays between 75-80. soil is sta-green moisture max potting soil with fert. everyone keeps saying its over watered, but its been drooping like this when the soils been very dry a couple inches deep in. so i dont know if i should give it a good watering next time or not, i feel like the spray bottle only gets the top soil layer wet, what should i use to water ??
give it a good watering, until you get some runoff. Looks like a small amount of soil, you should transplant into a larger container. my plants were almost always droopy in my prev. grow, because I used tiny containers.
how much have you watered it? and have you used any type of plant food? i see spots on one of the leafs it looks like looks like it might be overwatered but no way to know if you dont tell us how much you water it a day and how much youve watered it in the past week or so
i water every 2 days i use a spray bottle till the soil looks wet. here are both of them, i don't understand why one continues to droop.
well i would say it could be underwatered id check the soil daily try to keep the soil always moist and i wouldnt use a spray bottle personally because the chemicals or water will deform the leafs or discolor them/
looks like over watering on the first, and under-watering on the second and a combo of not enough light and just enough light on the other. could be the amendment before you planted it is cluped up and causing slow root growth. good luck.
so each 3 gal bucket has 1 gal of soil in it? it can be hard to keep a small amount of soil watered properly. also, I don't think you can water using a spray bottle. you need to get the soil wet all the way to the bottom, until some of the water drains out of the bottom.
4 gallons of soil total not one in each 2 gal of soil in each. im just getting alot of mixed answers but its leaning towards under watered because ive been using a spray bottle
you HAVE to water thoroughly every time you water and let the pot lose a considerable amount of water before watering again. if you water with the spray bottle (NO NO!!) then only the top layer gets watered. it will look like it's watered but the root tips are way down there and probably not getting enough water with only a spray bottle. Water heavily until you get water coming out of the bottom of the pot, wait 'til it dries out a good amount (still moist but lost most of the water in the pot) and then water again (usually a couple of days later). good luck!