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Is it Okay to Steal?

Discussion in 'General' started by Perpetual Burn, Aug 16, 2008.

  1. #1 Perpetual Burn, Aug 16, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2008
    As long as you have a noble purpose?

    For example: Would you really mind if I stole $1,000 from you as long as I donated it to charity?

    Edit: I'm talking about any amount of money, from anyone, for any self-proclaimed noble purpose. Not just a thousand Dollars.
  2. fuck the world

  3. It's a weigh of morality.

    Do you feel you NEED to steal to say, support your starving children? Is taking a thousand dollars from some rich old man justified if it sustains the life of a child?

    Or is all of human life and the rights of all to be protected - whether it be in defense of some rich man, or starving children?

    At first the choice would seem obvious. The starving children are, after all, starving children.

    But what if one man in need stole from another man in need?

    Haha, many things to consider, I suppose.
  4. to use your example, i would, but i'd prolly keep about 300 of it for myself. not going to it for nothing, but i won't get greedy.
  5. if its like stealing from big corporate companies than its ok because they are already fucking rich and $20 isnt shit to them. or taking gum from walgreens, its ok. stealing from the poor is not ok.
  6. It's ok, as long as the person you steal from doesn't depend on the money for survival (if he/she did, you wouldn't be able to steal it either)
  7. share the wealth imo.

    but who has the right to decide what do with my money, me thats who. thus stealing is wrong.:D.
  8. Thats not cool at all. That was my money, if I wanted to give it to a charity I would have.
  9. I said yes. As long as I don't find out who you are
  10. No, if I had enough money to donate I'd do it myself because I know there are millions of people who need my money more than me. Believe me if I were Bill Gates, I wouldn't be worth much because I'd have donated most of it to try and set an example for the rest of these rich fucks instead of buying a new helicopter! I'll get one with next week's earnings!
  11. if you needed it steal it.
  12. #13 s w i s h e r, Aug 16, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2008
    Hell no. You crossed the line when you stole it from me. Ya dig what I'm sayin'? Like ok, at least you donated the money instead of, say, spending it on drugs. But you stole from me. Feel me?

    Fuck that
  13. well i can tell you from spending 6 months in jail for stealing... its still ok, just watch your back.
  14. I think you hurt the question by asking if you can steal from us.

    A better scenerio would be, is it okay for a man to steal money to pay for a medicine that his wife needs to live.
  15. I say it's fine if they deserve to have it stolen from them. Not in the sense that they left it somewhere easy to steal, but that they deserve it morally. I wouldn't even give it a second thought then, but if they dont deserve it, then you shouldnt.
  16. Absolutely not. Stealing a loaf of bread because your family is starving is OK, but its my prerogative to do what I want with my money.
  17. id rather go to jail than live on my knees and starve
  18. #19 Chaohinon, Aug 16, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2008
    Is it wrong to steal $60 of merchandise from a struggling business-owner? Definitely.

    Is it wrong to strip $60 out of a hardworking, overstressed college student's paycheck - who's already looking at spending the next 20 years trying to eliminate student loans - and hand it over to some inner-city baby machine that's never worked a day in her life? Our government seems to think that's just fine.
  19. Doesn't make sense Chaohinon as your opinion is obviously biased.

    I'm an entrepreneur so I'M the business-owner who is MORE than hardworking, stressed out, working more than 70 hours per week, with a sense of that if my business fails then I fail because I won't have an income and without an income I won't be able to support my family & house.

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