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Is it ok to wear Rasta or marijuana related clothing?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by EastCoastSwag, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. I just want to know if I could wear a shirt or a hat or something that is Rasta or Marijuana related and walk down the street with out every cop trying to pull me over. Also if I was Offered a deal because of what I was wearing how do I know if there legit or just a narcotic officer undercover?
  2. [quote name='"EastCoastSwag"']I just want to know if I could wear a shirt or a hat or something that is Rasta or Marijuana related and walk down the street with out every cop trying to pull me over. Also if I was Offered a deal because of what I was wearing how do I know if there legit or just a narcotic officer undercover?[/quote]

    Police can't offer you drugs. That's called entrapment and they can't bring you to court for accepting.
  3. Depends on the cop... It's illegal for then to profile you for appearance but of course it happens
  4. [quote name='"jcal123"']

    Police can't offer you drugs. That's called entrapment and they can't bring you to court for accepting.[/quote]

    Happens all the time. Entrapment is a normal procedure for police
  5. How do you get pulled over while walking down the street?
  6. Jah Rastafari! Freedom of religion. Represent if you feel you must:cool:
  7. Ok thank you everyone.
  8. It's pretty much the fad now so I'm sure they see it all the time
  9. Go for it it gives us more discrete stoners something to laugh at :p
  10. Awesome! Thank you.
  11. dude it dont matter i walk down the street with a giant pot leaf on my back
  12. wear those threads with pride, personally I would prefer this kind of look on a nice day off blazing if you were to go rasta style.

  13. I don't wanna be a poser I just want to let other stoners know that I'm not a anti marijuana douche and that I'm actually a chilled person who shares the same love for the herb.
  14. If you do not live a rastafarian lifestyle and practice in thier cultural customs please do not partake in the attire, its kind of silly and will be embarrasing if you encounter an actual rastafarian and are brought to conversation..its like wearing gang clothing and your not in a gang..nahm sayn?

    If you really want to express you appreciation for marijuana then please feel free to wear something weed affiliated but dont be a poser, people take that as mockery
  15. ^ true that, I HATE when people were rasta colors and try to flaunt that they smoke. It's pathetic.
  16. why is a mmj patient worried about legal issues with mj?
  17. Rasta isn't just about weed, it's just related so wearing it is fine anyways. I wear shirts with weed half the time though haha, cops can't do shit if your representing it.
  18. #18 NeverMistakeMe, Aug 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2012
    [quote name='"EastCoastSwag"']

    I don't wanna be a poser I just want to let other stoners know that I'm not a anti marijuana douche and that I'm actually a chilled person who shares the same love for the herb.[/quote]

    Don't wear something for other people's acceptance. Wear what you like. If you like wearing MJ-related clothes then go for it but don't just do it for acceptance. Believe me, stoners KNOW a stoner when they see one, MJ-related accessories or not.

    On topic: No. They can't profile you (well anybody can profile but they can't do anything with it) or stop you because you have marijuana prints on your clothing. It might be one thing if you had actual marijuana leaves on you, which I love that look haha, but naw, you're straight.
    The only con is that if you actually have bud on you and you're being detained then that's just more suspicion, even though it can't be legally used against you, the officer's discretion will vary. I wouldn't go all out but maybe a Wiz shirt with a little Rasta theme would be cool.
  19. Because even though my doctor said I am doing good with using marijuana for medical. It is not officially legal in the state of MA yet, There is a bill to be passed in November.
  20. It's a plant, a natural "god given" plant that was created along with this earth.

    Theoretically, it's the same as wearing a shirt with a mountain on it, or a cat.

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