is it ok to smoke

Discussion in 'General' started by jbaggs, Oct 28, 2009.

  1. had 4 wisdom teeth pulled thursday so its been a wk. doc told me not to smoke for a little because of infections, dry socket, and other shitty stuff tht can happen. i had an allergic reaction to my anti-biotic. my face got really swollen, eyes were swollen shut, rashes, and dry skin, i stopped taking the anti-biotic 2 days ago and im taking benidrl(sp?).anyways do u think its ok to blaze? any experience or anything. ive done nothing the last wk im bored and have weed. help plz
  2. or ciggs..havent had nicotine for a wk besides shitty patches
  3. make brownies :D

    tehn you can be safe and be really high
  4. I started smoking after a week and was fine, but that's not to say it will be the same for everyone. It really depends on how your mouth feels, I was mostly healed after a week and all swelling was gone.

    Brownies are always a great alternative.
  5. i only have like a gram.
  6. nooooo

    take a hit through your nose hahaha
    I've actually done this
    will burn but will also get you really high
  7. fuck tht
  8. DON'T smoke. when you take a hit it like, rips the gums, or the cotton out and it will take longer to heal and hurt like hell..
  9. From what I understand, inhaling ANYTHING threw the mouth (cigs, weed, straws, etc.) is A BIG NO NO after getting your wisdom teeth removed because it can pull out the clots (I think) and it's extremely painful and you'd have to go back to the dentist. your best bet is to make some type of edible. and if you only have a gram you better buy more, and if not i'd say your shit outta luck.
  10. i would say that a gram on a firecracker should get you very nicely baked especially after not toking for a week.

    cracker, penut butter, mix weed in with butter. wrap whole thing in tin foil, put in oven at 280c take out after 25 mins. eat.

    it should wokr very very well
  11. I'm not a search button nazi, in fact this is the first time I've ever said anything like this, but theres ALOT of threads about this.
  12. I smoked a blunt two days after getting mine removed. I got dry sockets and had to deal with the infection for about 3 more months. I have a friend that smoked right after and was fine. Just depends on how your mouth feels.
  13. Who gives a fuck?

    They obviously already posted the thread and it didn't get deleted, who cares if it was already posted, people can still help instead of saying bullshit like you. :mad:
  14. maybe you have a friend you can shotgun it from? idk if that would help

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