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is it me or..

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Higherrr, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. I have been smoking blunts and vaping low mg 3-6 or so..

    I stopped the blunts abruptly I suppose. I smoked up to a qtr a day&dabbed, then I would take a break anywhere from 2-3 days usually.

    Now I am vaping..idk...i am coughing up what seems to be tar, or dried up blood.

    I hocked up a loogie on to my hand, I separated all the dark shit and I couldnt see a streak of blood!
  2. if ur coughing up blood go see a doctor 
  3. It's probably all the tar from the blunt wraps. I smoke cigarettes and when I stop for a little bit and smoke weed I always cough up dark phlegm
  4. The dark phlegm is from the tobacco in the blunts.
    The blood is a different story though. If you see blood regularly, go see a doctor. Don't worry - nothing is going to happen if you tell your doc that you smoke weed. That's what privacy laws are for

    Sent from four score and seven years ago
  5. I heard when u stop smoking cigs/blunts ur body works harder at cleaning ur lungs for a week or so

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