Is it just me..

Discussion in 'General' started by GreenEggs, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Or are there other people out there who just pack .1 -.2 gram bowls and blaze it, then go do work or study or something?

    I find that if I smoke to much I can't do much(haha if you get what im saying)

    Does anyone else just like to get the little light headed semi faded thing? that usually gives me a burst of energy for some reason.
  2. yeah i like doing that
    little by little unless im with people
  3. nah. i like packing full bowls before i do shit. little one hitters dont get me as high as i like to be when dealing with mundane shit.
  4. ya not too much but sometimes a bit more then 1. like 2 is good, 3 is perfect usually

    on the topic. serious question listen, cause i think im so different then alot of people.

    When packing bowls in a bong or pipe, i usually always pack enough to finish in 1 hit. if i dont finish the hit off and theres more weed, it keeps burning and the smoke is released just like off a joint. do others not care about this trailing smoke?
    if i cant cover the top of the bowl (not all my bongs can), i just load enough for 1 and zoom.
  5. yeah thats how we used to do (1 hitters) saves weed you know? haha
  6. have you tried coining your bowl? its probably a little easier than pack individual tokes

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