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is it ever right to hurt others?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CannabisCunt, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. ok guys,
    im basically "getting" some stuff from a guy who owes me money but cant afford to pay
    he has a nephew living with him and wanted to ask, if this nephew got in my way, would it be acceptable to beat him in defense and also beat the other guy?

    this is marijuana related, its over weed.
  2. And everyone wonders why we can't stop fighting wars all over the world...
  3. Fighting over weed isn't worth it, not matter what IMHO..

    I think you shouldn't go, or have him hit you up somewhere else if you're just going to fight the nephew for whatever reason.
  4. Beat his ass
  5. In this case, no, it is not. Violence is the last resort when your life is on the line, not over something as stupid as this
  6. stupid?

    dont insult of which you know not much of

    you fag.
  7. Haha, classic.:cool:
  8. :laughing:

    u a hard ass gangsta
  9. Careful...might be packin' heat and all that shit.
  10. No man, you shouldn't get violent over weed. Its just so... pointless. Just talk it out.

  11. No, im not a NlGGER. :hello: :smoke:

  12. you be trollin
  13. Maybe a .22:eek:

  15. im packing 0.2g bowls motherfucker
  16. How much does he owe you?
  17. maybe if he owes you ask to see it and then just pocket it and say it was an owed payment.

    then, if his nephew has something to say dont start shit, but if he comes at you and shit then better defend yourself. but dont go too far. never.

    once hes on the ground/not fighting back is when you stop and gtfo of there.
  18. To everyone giving this kid a thought out response.

    Stop. He is a troll. Do not feed trolls.
  19. Wheres the porn man, i thought they were in every one of your dumbass posts. its what made them a bit better
  20. fixd.

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