I put my plant in a little grow bucket with a 1600 lumen, 5000k 23 watt CFL bulb at the top. I've been doing 18/6 cycle for 2 two days. Today around 1pm I was glad that my plant finally popped through the soil however now the top part of the stem is light brown. Does this mean it is being burned by the light? The little leaves are nice and green. I will try to get a picture up soon because I'm on my phone atm. Any help is greatly appreciated
how far from the light is the plant ? what kind of soil and is there any added nutrients in the soil ?-- Erb
It is an expandle peat moss puck and nope no nutrients yet. The light is about 7-10cm from the plant.
Back home now, turns out it is actually 4cm away from the light so I have a feeling it might be burned (yikes!). I will need to move it to a taller bucket. Pics are coming in a minute.
Im no Pro BUT I would say ur good man, you will have ur first true leaves in the next 20-40 hrs I guess, are they under 24/7 ?
Thanks for the reassurance I am going to be checking up on it every hour to make sure it isn't getting darker, I also haven't been watering it from the top I've been using a spray bottle and injecting the water in to the soil from the sides. I am keeping it under 18/6 with a timer to make sure nothing overheats and also because I've read that when in the dark they start to grow upwards more. Once I see the leaves I will most likely put them under 24 hours until it's time to flower them
i do mine like so (when i have room) 24/7 for 3-4 weeks then 18/6 for rest of life (autos) or if photos i keep them on 18/6 till its time for mr to bud them.
Here is one I did after about 24 hours up from seed and 24/7 lighting. Here is a Bigbud sprout photo after about 5-6 days from germ, you will have this soon ) Here is an auto after first 7 days 24/7 and the rest up to now and till chop 18/6. U can see the pre flowers and this is at 22 days from germ.
Very darn nice, I can't wait till mine hits a nice growth spurt! How far do you keep your lights away and what kind of lights are you using? Right now I am using some seeds I got off of silkroad for cheap to experiment with but once I get a solid system going I am buying some Auto's to do in the winter
i am using a 150w HPS, In the past I have been using 600W But in this space I have I don't need that much heat ! I am considering a 250 tho for more intensity and lumens. I have a home made cool tube tho cos HPS are not very good at the balance between light and heat. My light is about 1.5 foot above the canopy at this time. I am thinking of lowering it but it maxes at 85-86f at this hight so I am weighing up my options. The good thing about the ballast I bought other than the fact it was only like £17 is that it can run MH/HPS and I dont think that vegging plants need any where near as much light as flowering ones ) I am also considering LED's but am still waiting for the outcome of some questions on here RE usefullness of cheap LED's like http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/New-15W-225LED-Blue-Red-Led-Plant-Grow-Light-Promote-the-plant-grow-A-/150989903295?pt=UK_HomeGarden_Garden_PlantsSeedsBulbs_JN&var=&hash=item2327b315bf I want to buy it so bad but dont want to waste money haha. I also have 2 x 45w actual (90 total) veg lights but one it on the sprout I showed you.
This is my DIY cooltube. It is a coffee jug which I drilled the bottom out of and fitted my bulb into )
Woah you got a pretty serious setup. I guess if I were growing more seriously I would most likely use HPS as well but for a little pass time project CFL's are good enough. I looked into LED's but as you said right now it's not worth it since it's better to wait for the technology to advance and the price to come down. The thing I like about CFL's is they don't get too hot and the computer fan I'm running now is doing a great job. Here's some pics of my setup and I think my plant is getting darker! Going to need to find a way to raise the light edit: forgot the link http://imgur.com/a/e6wIN