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Is it a possible to Clarify, Top Shelf vs. Other?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Enjoyable High, Mar 31, 2024.

  1. If you happened to see flower labeled as "Top shelf", or other terms I've seen were "Mids" though I have not seen a term for lower than "Mids"; nevertheless, are these terms drivers for your purchasing/blazing decision?
    The closest comparison I can make is to Wines choices: 1) a $50 bottle sometimes tastes really good, but sometimes tastes less than ok ,underwhelming, but maybe not worth trying to finish due to either taste or side effects, 2) I l get a $20 bottle it could taste great, but when its not great its absolutely below average.
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  2. Its very situational. Some places are good quality judges, some are not. If im gonna find a new plug/vendor/disp, I usually try all tiers of flower to see how they gauge the quality. A lot of times Ive encountered lower tier flower being better than their top tiers. Sometimes its just bag appeal and smell aesthetic that drives people to label something top shelf rather than giving it a proper smoke and judge. Really just gotta try some things out and see how you like it!
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