Is it a hermie? Is it salvageable? If so, how?

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by yearzero, Aug 11, 2016.

  1. I started with two afghan kush autoflowers, one hermied and I disposed of it. My remaining plant has also started growing male flowers, but on two branches only. This – I presume – is also a hermaphrodite, but is it salvageable and is it worth salvaging?

    In my limited research, I’ve encountered two views: (i) hermaphrodites are no good for smoking and should be disposed of, and (ii) hermies are fine for smoking – there’s just less on them to smoke.

    Assuming the second view is correct, how should I best salvage it? I reckon crushing each of the male flowers with tweezers is going to stress the plant a lot less than amputating both of the offending branches – is this advisable?

    Your informed comments would be most welcome.
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  2. If it's your only plant left, let it go and see what happens. If you have other ladies around, get rid of it and pray your other ladies don't herm. As long as the buds aren't full of seeds, I don't see why it can't be smokeable.

    Not sure how to answer whether or not to amputate the branches. They could pollinate the rest of the plant, but someone more experienced should answer that one.
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  3. Can you post some pics of her/him
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  4. I shall try grisy - at the minute she's in a dark period, so give it another hour. But be forewarned - my camera phone is crap, you probably won't be able to discern as much detail as you would like.

    I'll post a bit later...
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  5. Grisy,

    Unfortunately the results were even poorer than I had antipicated I have included the best of a poor bunch: it is one of the offending flower heads (you can just make out some regular female flowers in the background to the left).

    However what I was able to do was to break off one of the flowers with tweezers and capture it through a hand held magnifier - this image is better than it has any right to be - hopefully, with this, you can at least confirm my diagnosis. 2016-08-12 00.19.36.jpg 2016-08-12 00.27.19.jpg
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  6. sorry to advise

    is a herm

    see it as your learning cycle

    be the man put it down

    and re start ...imo

    good luck

    ps check your gear you may have light leaks ..???
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  7. Thanks for your input Vostok.

    I don't think there are light leaks - but I've got her (him?) on a 20/4 cycle and a couple of times I've forgotten to zip up the tent in advance of the dark period and it has gotten an extra hour or so of light when it would have been expecting dark. And perhaps the temperature has fluctuated more than it ought...

    But if there's a chance this is the result of stress rather than purely genetics, I'd be happy to see it through to harvest for the seeds.

    Any point?
  8. I'd say no, hermies have a tendency of passing that trait to their offspring. If I were you I'd snip those offending branches, and it you still want to keep em, grow them separately. Just my two cents tho.

    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
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  9. Thanks for the advice Zearl.
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