just to clear this up i know he smokes and he knows i smoke Two days before new years me and my dad went to set the henuki (a moari eel trap, moari is like the natives of new zealand) down at my dads "spot" he calls down the road from our house. When we were driving down in the van he looked at me and said "Ive got all my dope plants growing at the river" and just laughed and said "got ya didnt i" i smiled and kinda laughed because it was a lame joke. well anyway when we had arrived at the river we had to walk through a kind of a hidden pathway. about 10 feet from the start of the hidden track we had arrived at a small creek and we had to jump it (only about 2 feet). and told me to wait here for a minute, so he went away for about 30 seconds and came back. He said follow me, so i followed him and he led us to some pig rootings (ground all dug up by a pig) so we waited about 2 minutes to see if we could see the fucker but no. so we turned around and headed back to the creek through a trail that had been made by my dad walkin up and down it it so much (the creek was about 8 feet from the pig rootings so it wasnt that far) and i looked to my right and what do i see? 2 marijuana plants about 3 feet high, but i diddnt say anything So we were setting the henuki and he says "you thought i was growin dope didnt you son..." in a weird way, not weird but like sarcasim, and i just looked at him with a look on my face saying 'you aint foolin no body old man' and said "yeah thought you were" just jokingly. and nothing else was said about it again. i kind of felt like he was trying to get me too see it and get into growing with him because there was no way i would have missed it but im not missing out on growing anything, if know what i mean so do you guys just think hes just plain stupid or deffinatly was hinting? EDIT: He just had a toke with two of his mates. LOL
i could barely focus on the point of your story because the place you were at just sounded fricken' awesome! but uhhh. hmm. it did sound like he was hinting at something. but idk, sometimes people just say weird shit, and since i don't know your dad, well... yeah. i do definitely think growing with your dad would be excellent father-son bonding time, though!
I don't understand how you can't connect the dots. You have to TRY and be this oblivious, I swear. - Your dad is there often, as indicated by yourself and the paths he made (think: for what reasons could he be there, at some remote spot, often. HMMMM. COULDN'T BE GROWING POT, COULD IT? NAAA.) - Marijuana grow spots are most convenient when you're next to a source of water (creek) - He ended up not showing you anything, essentially wasting both of your time for seemingly no reason - He mentioned growing pot earlier - There was, GASP, coincidentally MARIJUANA GROWING THERE - He hinted at it AGAIN, because you didn't get it the first time Come ON, dude.
Just wanted to clear it up. I have asked him if we there was anything there and next time ask me to come, but there was eels there so not really an excuse of ASKING to go there and i know he wont ask me to go there again.
Hahaha I opened this thinking it was some girl asking if some dude is dropping hints that he likes her or something.. But yeah dude.. You should say to him tomorrow or sometime, "so i seen your plants" when its just you two. Im pretty sure those plants were his..
^^that, I continued to think the OP was a girl until like half way thru. why are you asking us this...of course he was hinting. or something
I could leave one of my plants, prehaps maybe one of the smaller ones lying around somewhere outside the house and if confronts me ill mention his plants, but ill have to be carefull that my mum doesn't see because she will flip out
And i kind of knew he was hinting i just posted it up mainly to get some advise on how i could prehaps remind him without it being akward. And why u guys think im stupid?
For the record bro, I dont think you're stupid because I dont blame you really... You could of asked him, thinking for sure he was hinting, but when you asked him and he really wasnt, then you kind of busted yourself. But, he was totally hinting.
you look stupid but looks arent everything. cause thats an obvious hint and you better take advangtage of that and learn how your dad grows and grow with him i would kill for an oppurtunity like this
I don't think people really think you're stupid man, I think that a lot of us just didn't understand some of the stuff you said and the words you used. Oh and what is a henuki?
hahahah same. but yeh, im pretty sure they will be his plants, or you never know they might not be his he might have found them?:S