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Is hash worth it?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CDDIDIT, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. I have never really messed with hash because people around here don't really do it. I hear that the high is 10 times stronger and can make you flip out. I was searching the net about it and found this: THE ULTIMATE PERSONAL PROFESSIONAL HASH PRESS FOR UNDER 20 BUCKS !! - International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums

    So I'm just wondering let's say I buy a eigth of some bud would it be worth it to make 2 grams of it hash? Like do you get more out of actual bud by making it in to hash? I hope that makes sense. Like is making hash only for vaped or shitty weed or is it always worth it with good or bad weed?
  2. #2 god4point0, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    worth it.

    as for the rest of the questions, it all depends on the bud you get... the danker the more keif (usually)

    the link isn't showing the proper way to make hash, the steps are all there, but it's made with keif not shake
  3. Just tellin' you ahead of time, you will not get 2 grams of hash out of 3.5 grams of bud.
  4. Hash is good. Make edibles with it. You'll fucking die.

  5. Not what I meant bro. I mean since a eigth is around 4 grams if I use about half of it which is 2 grams.
  6. an eighth is 3.5gs
  7. so the amount decreases by how much,how much hash would i get from 1 O and what is hashish really like what effects and shit
  8. i started smoking hash, then i moved onto weed. you are more thoughful and stoned on hash, talking isn't really what you want to do. It's a great feeling and will make you relax like no other. Hash is the most normal thing to smoke here too, hash is what all the kids smoke at first. Just as safe as weed really, except for driving and such
  9. I'm gonna be completely honest with you now: I live in a hash country and have no problem getting hash. However, no hash has ever gotten me as high as sativa regs (except for kief collected from that plant). Hash is stronger as in you get high quicker and don't need as much, but I find a hash-high dull and short compared to the "real deal" (weed)...
  10. #10 Papageorgio, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    if you're trying to make hash out of an 8th, dont bother. get like an ounce or something, the yield (from what i've heard, never actually weighed it out) is something like 10-15%.

    hash is basically concentrated weed. it contains mostly trichomes and very little plant material. the effects are similar to weed, just more intense because it's a lot more potent than weed.

    some people say the effects are different, but i've found that it depends on what kind of weed the hash was made from and the methods used to make the hash.

    in my experience i've found that qwiso hash is more potent than bubble hash. there is a trade off however, because the qwiso method does not yield as much. i believe that's because the qwiso method doesn't give you as much plant material in the hash as the bubble hash does. but this depends on how long the wash was, and if they did a second wash (i don't).

    also, i've found that qwiso is more of a body high, and bubble hash has a tendency to be more similar to the weed it came from. i think its because the alcohol breaks down the trichomes whereas the bubble bags just separate them from the plant itself.

  11. Please stfu. You in no way shape or form contributed to this thread. A 8th is exactly 3.5g I have never in my fucking life bought an 8th that was exactly 3.5g.
  12. #12 LoveOfTheNug, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    There are different types of hash BHO butane honey oil, Bubble Hash,Full Melt,Cold Press?
    You can use good buds for any of these methods but it is not worth making water based bubble hash unless you got a half oz at least. Preferably 1/2 lb. With BHO you need at least 5 grams.

    *Oh, just clicked on your link. Thats a kief press. So if you got kief then its a good thing to have. I just put my kief in small glass vials and bang the bottom on my granite counter softly until it compress into hash.
  13. Unless the hash you are buying is VERY poor, it's worth it. Hash is, in my opinion, the best. No bud can beat the best hash. But then again, we're all different :smoke:
  14. although that may be the case.. an eighth of an ounce is exactly 3.5g. He has just educated this "apprentice toker" that an 8th is not 4g.

    He has contributed to the learning of this guy.. which is what its all about.

  15. Not being a troll or anything but my eights are ALWAYS 3.5, maybe 3.7
  16. i think he contributed by informing you
  17. #17 CDDIDIT, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    Hey dickhead I'm not an apprentice toker. He replied to me. And I'm pretty sure I have been smoke longer than him I have been smoking for 11 years.

    Name-calling is not welcome here, dude. -JD
  18. i think his comment was a lot more valuable than the one you just made...

  19. Bro that's your 8ths. I have been through 8th grade I Can divide. If I buy an 8th it will be 4 grams. If I'm paying 35 an for an 8th that would break dow to 10 dollars a gram. I wouldn't pay 10 dollars a gram for an 8th. Everyone buys different weed. The point is I expect 4 grams in an 8th I wouldn't have said that if I didn't. This is not a thread about how much bud is in a 8th so just stop.
  20. Sorry dude, but you're definitely an apprentince smoker if you take offense at being called an apprentince smoker :)

    If you feel like "an advanced stoner" (these goddamn expressions are ridiculous anyway...) then you shouldn't worry about what others think you may or not be. Remember this a forum, don't take shit personally.

    Be the chill dude. :smoke:

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