What better way to tightly control the public while hiding behind a bureaucratic machine that gets all the attention and blame?
The government is who holds the blame for legalized theft, since they have a monopoly on it. Corporations and others who buy power only have it on rent from the state.
The government does what the rich and powerful want. If you think the rich and powerful are victims of government because they pay high taxes? That money is peanuts compared to their net worth. Well worth the price of having the entire planet and resources under tight control, I'd say.
Agreed. Everyone who pays taxes is a victim, rich, middle class, and poor (the inflation tax) are all victims. Corporations and businesses of all sizes are definitely taxed the least fairly though, excepting the ones that get government favors. Private business is the only engine of economic growth, to suck its blood with the leech of government just slows or sometimes stops growth. It's worth it? Worth what? Last I checked the government spends our money on bridges to nowhere and blowing up various towns and cities across the globe. I'm fairly sure that money would be more productively used in the hands of the people who it was stolen from in the first place.
Ok first of all, how the hell are you a victim if you pay taxes? Do you guys understand how a country works? Do you like roads, fire services, public parks, defense, etc? I proudly pay the taxes I am asked to, even though it is not much. Why are the rich always getten smashed, hit up the irs website and look at who pay taxes. Top 3% pay something like 25-30% of ALL income taxes in this country while the bottom 40% don't even pay income taxes. If it wasn't for the rich being taxed like they do it would be horrible. Don't be quick to blame those who made money, they worked for their money and earned their money. Why does working for a corporation and making a million dollars make you a horrible person while a sports star making a million dollars makes them a role model. People have such skewed views on our government and wealth in this country and have no clue how well it works and the reason things don't work the way you want to is because you don't get yourselves politically involved.
It's theft. I like most of those things, but I would rather they be provided privately, not by government. As far as our military, it's mostly offense, not defense, so no, I don't like it. You aren't asked to pay. You're forced to pay. If you were asked and it was optional there wouldn't be a problem with it.
Getting rid of rouge leaders and setting up puppet governments to secure oil pipelines in Libya, Iran, Afghanistan and Iraq does benefit the plutocracy. These aren't random bombings and nation building. It's all part of a larger strategy and plan.