I had to stop my movie, "year one" so that i wouldn't forget this thought Ok, so what if we found out that God doesn't exist in real life? Would that make all the movies with God in it invalid? Sorry, im high
As far as I'm concerned, god doesn't exist, the movies with god in them are just stories. In star wars, wookies exist, but not in real life It doesn't devalue the story at all
Its all stories, god can show up all he wants in stories. As an Atheist it doesn't remotely bother me to see god in film.
If proof came out that God didn't exist, the faithful would still believe, because faith isn't about reason or evidence. I, for one, have never had a problem suspending disbelief long enough to watch a movie with God in it... if I did have that problem I would never have been able to watch Dogma!
If you think it would make movies invalid, I'd love to hear what you think it'd do to the bible The Bible is a story book which some people, for a reason I cannot fathom, chose to take literally. If it turns out God doesn't exist, does that make the Bible invalid? No, I think not. It just turns into fiction (if one believed it to be non-fiction in the first place). Movies are visual story books, an expression of someone's thoughts and ideas. As someone previously posted, Star Wars isn't real, but we still dig it