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Is Genetic Drift a Fact or Fiction?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Be Water, Dec 31, 2022.

  1. Just curious if people have an opinion on whether genetic drift is a thing or not? I got a strong strain of clones from a friend a while back. They turned out great in the end. From one of those clones I Made a Mom. Mom #1. I cut 50-60 clones from her in a 9 month period and then made a new mom out of one of the clones I cut from the original mom. Mom #2. I cut 15 clones off Mom #2 and had a great grow with them.

    I'm about to take more clones from mom #2 and make Mom #3.

    Does anyone have actual experience either negatively or positively going from one mom to another to another and so on down the line? Do I have to worry about mom #3 not producing as strong of a crop of clones as the first two mom's, thereby creating weaker crops as the years go by?? Thanks!
  2. simple answer yes
  3. Genetic drift only happens in generations of seeds. People talk about it in clones but they are mistaken. Clones can have phenotypical variation based on its environment, epigentics getting flipped on and off. But the genes never change. They don’t drift. Changes you see in clones are always based on environmental factors or diseases. Not saying you have a disease but a lot of growers who ended up with things like hops latent before we knew what it was, blamed the change in their strains on genetic drift. I’m a breeder and studied plant genetics in college.
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  4. So to be clear your saying . You can clone from a clone over and over . Drifting further and further from the original seed and not see any changes ? I just want to be crystal clear on your answer . My answer is yes it does change . I get bigger yields from seeds vs clones . And we plant the seed and cut clones from the seed plant. Never flower that mother plant .
  5. I’m going with strain dependent on this one.
    I’ve got clones strains that came to me as clones and have been run countless times under all conditions with no negative effects. They actually have been increasing in test results as I dial in environments for each one.
    However, I’ve also witnessed other that were starts from seed that completely changed their growth characteristics as well as potency and terp levels over the course of a year or two. Of these, I’ve noticed that feminized seeds and crazy poly hybrids seem to “ drift “ the most. Maybe that’s a bonus to Landrace cultivars!
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  6. I’m saying that if you see changes it’s not genetic drift. You are seeing the plants epigentic expression change as it adapts to your grow environment. Or as it gets farther from its original grow environment. That’s a different phenomenon that genetic drift. If you look at traditional agriculture, nobody would ever attribute genetic drift to clone only species. Technically speaking, it’s only something that happens in generation of seeds.
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  7. Agreed, maybe that’s why I see those changes in my female and polys. I’m growing in organic living soil and I use Bodhi genetics almost exclusively. Why? Because he does all of his breeding with true organic living soil as well. It’s clear that his genetics out perform most of the others I get tempted to bring onboard.
    Good points mama!
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  8. Take a look at the actual scientific definition of genetic drift. It’s literally not possible in clones. It’s defined as the loss of genes over generation or the prevalence of rare genes over generations. The only way that happens is through sexual propagation.
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  9. Thank you. I love the connection you made. I definitely think it helps to get seeds from breeders who use similar grow styles.
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  10. I’ve read that clones can be degraded over time due to cloning sick or unhealthy plants.
    Admittedly, I have done this many times. I have a couple of keepers that I’ve had for over 7 years, and on occasion have had to take cuts off of horribly unhealthy mothers as a last resort of preservation. Years later, as I get better at dialing in the environments, they are breaking potency and terpene test records.
    Watching them express themselves differently through the years has been interesting to watch.
  11. Thanks guys! Mama Can you dumb this down a little for a smooth brain ape like me? I'm not sure I'm following so bare with me.

    Are you saying it's fine for me to take the clone my friend who's a commercial grower gave me, make a mom from that clone, then take clones from that mom, grow them out (flower them), take MORE clones from that same mom a couple more times, grow them out, cut one last round of clones from that Mom, then I can kill that mom and use one of the clones i cut from her to make a NEW mom, and take clones from her and so on through the years and I WILL NOT have any genetic drift or noticeable negative changes in terps, THC and everything else as long as my environment stays dialed in?

    Conversely when I grow from SEED, are you saying I should only grow from seed if I plan of vegging and flowering those seeds out, and then I have to buy more seeds and do the same thing for my next grow? But I shouldn't ever grow a mother from a seed and take clones from that mother and grow them out because THAT's how I'd get genetic drift (Genetic drift meaning a loss of quality in terps, THC, and other important attributes)

    OR are you saying I can grow one seed, make a mom out of that seed, and take clones from that mom over and over but I should NOT make a mom out of the clones I make from the original Mom? Kinda lost and confused still so I'm sorry for that.

    The entire reason I ask is because I have 24 cuts in my clone machine right now that I took from a Mom (mom #2), and that mom was made from a clone I made from the original Mom (mom #1). I want to make sure this is OK. Or am I getting to far away genetically from Mom #1. ALSO I have 16 different feminized seeds from Humboldt seed company that I can pop when I feel like it. (2 seeds from 8 different strains.) I want to make sure I do the right thing with those seeds as well and not screw this whole thing up. Should I just grow those seeds out? (veg and flower them) and then repeat the process or can I make a Mom from those seeds and take clones from here over and over? Thanks so much. Sorry for the Long post.
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  12. Wonderful article thanks!.
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