So I'm in veg, I'm using AMAZING nutrients which I think everyone should use it's Sensi Seeds A + B nutrients and it comes already PH ready! And to boot it's fuckin organic!!!!!!!!!! I'm amazed at the difference that the quality of the nutrients can make. I started with the SHITIEST of the SHITIEST nuts and I heard great reviews and it was cost effective it was called DYNA GROW full bloom and my plants weren't growing at all and seemed like I was running into ALL types of problems and it's too much to even list. Now once I switched over and spent more money it was worth EVERY penny! I understand everyone has their own experience with nuts but if I can save anyone the hasel of using that bull shit nuts I will! Spend the extra money and get some grade A food. ANYWAYS I always veer off track on these forums lol. So down to the reason I started the forum= the only issue i am having right now is that some of my leaves are very soft and I was wondering if foliar spray will help out leaf issues the lovely ladies are growing just fine but I was wondering if it will help out the leaves a bit. BUT a lot of people online say that it's bull shit and it doesn't do anything and others swear by it. HELP! anyone with EXPERIENCE WITH FOLIAR SPRAY let me know your experience with it or if it's just extra money that doesn't need to be spent but trust me i'm not cheap when it comes to my babies it's just common sense to ask around. Okay my lovely pot/grass/weed/cannabis lovers let me know the deal! and not to be bitchy but only if you have used foliar spray please no "i heard this" or "someone told me this" I've gotten a lot of bad advise from people assuming and only going off other people's experience so anywho let me know whats up!!!!!!!!!
some people swear by foliar feeding. I know at one time i did. The idea was that leaves could utilize nutrients more efficiently than young new roots. Maybe so. But we were not growing in the prime pristine soil indoor growers grow in today. You learn something everyday. Another poster on this site noticed that simply spraying his plants with plain old tap water everyday when the were young seemed to improve performance, and after trying, I can say I agree. If you are going to foliar feed, make sure you rinse from time to time with water. That gunk really builds up on the leaves and seems to be much more of a problem indoors where there is no rain.
Foliar feeding works, and it sounds like you only want the best for your ladies, so try Nitrozime the best shit on the market for foliar feeding hands down! Sent from my A1P using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Its not 'organic', if it comes out a bottle it is not fully organic. It is derived from organic ingredients but a chemical process was used to extract and blend the ingredients together, concentrate them, and then ph them. If you are interested in the best nutrients available to use, give good old Mother Nature a shout and head on over to the organics section and learn how to build a fully sustainable soil the old fashioned way, using natures finest ingredients. And yes, foliar feeding works. In fact, you should just head on over to the organics section as there are a lot of knowledgeable growers on there who post amazing bits of information daily. Sent from my SM-N920P using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Beerbrewer is right about the nutes though man if you thought you were saving coin before just wait until perpetual vermicomposting your table scraps into EWC and applying that nets you more than a bottle would, youll never buy nutrients again. I think that spraying slows the plants ability to transpire which can be a good thing for them i imagine just like when it rains. I foliar feed with fish emulsion in veg they love it. The temperature needs to be perfect though or else its not nearly as effective. And watch hid bulbs especially if they arent shielded Sent from my GT-S7560M using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I have used a fully organic foliar spray. Bio bizz fish mix (.5ml), alg-a-mic (1ml) and bio heaven (1ml) per litre of bubbled water. As other person said, there are some growth benefits but be careful as the spray will cause built up on the leaves unless washed off with plain water. So in short my answer is ....... although I had some small benefit the added care for the leaves made it pointless. If your baby is growing well don't fix what ain't broken. Then again am happy to get 14 oz every 4 plants some people are striving for growth level expert, chasing the 1kg yielding plant lol
I'm chasing the 1 kg per watt hahaha jk but that would be sweet though! my grow journal
Mine are blue cheese autos. I am happy with my yield. I am currently achieving about 0.8g per watt. My first 4 girls either hermied or I forced into survival because I also got about 50-60 seeds during harvest. I don't listen to all the mythical crap people spout as the finished product has mind blowing Strength and taste. No complaints at all. started a new grow with them seeds and all is fine.
I'm glad you're doing good with those nutrients but if you're going to endorse a product you should get the name right... heh. You're using Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow A & B. It's advanced nutrients super simple 2 part grow system. It's their easiest nutrient line and it isn't that expensive. They have 1 gallon containers at my local store for $39 each. My buddy uses it and does great with it. I was thinking about switching because I'm currently using like 10 bottles of GH / AN stuff and it's getting old. He uses Sensi A&B plus voodoo juice and piranha for beneficial organisms and improved root development. No PHing is nice. Because of all the organics you have to change your water often in hydro or you'll get sludge buildup. Once a week is good.