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Is every religion in the world BS?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Whatpottt123, Aug 20, 2019.

  1. There are hundreds of religions. No more accurately probably thousands. They can't all be lying. True religion?

    If you look at social media and free media you can see some documentaries which seem well put together on bones of giants over 10ft tall. Not in history books. but it is in middle eastern books. also ufo sightings, other mysteries. I'm sure some are just coincidence, but not all. the big institutions don't want to get into this because it opens up a pandoras box. You don't learn about middle eastern history for a reason, that land is too important for some reason.
  2. is the world flat ???
  3. The paradox is that all the different religious beliefs contradict eachother. And every religious person claims their religion is the right one which unfolds the truths. If you read the old testament you'll notice it reflects the worldview when it was written; i.e it's not gods words.
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  4. All religions are bullshit except the one you believe in. :D

    Seriously though... religion is just weird. four of the major religions in the world all worship the God of Abraham. But to listen to Jews, Christians, Muslims, and Mormons talk, you'd think they came from different universes or something. That's right... Islamic terrorists worship the same God Mitt Romney does. :eek:

    The Bahai faith is interesting in that its main precept is that there is one God, and that each religion is a manifestation of an aspect of God, and that each new messiah or prophet is the vehicle by which the will of God is made manifest in different times and places. You'd think that would make Bahai a pretty inoffensive religion, but it is in fact the most persecuted religion in Iran (which is where it originated in the 1800's.) Go figure.

    Personally, I accept the classic definition of God as all-seeing and all-knowing without subscribing to any supernatural bullshit. Christians say God is in all places and all things. I believe this is so for a very un-religious reason: God IS in all things and of all things because god IS all things. From the lowliest quark to the loftiest galaxy cluster, from guggle to zatch and everything in between and around it, that is God. In short, God=Universe. Universe=God. It means that you are not a god, but you are composed of 100% God. Everyone is. On the upside that makes us all holy. On the down side, it renders the whole notion of retribution and miracles kind of moot since if we're all God, smiting someone else is the same as smiting yourself, and any miraculous event that allows water to become wine is also a diabolical event the perverts innocent water into sinful wine.

    Man... nothing beats getting high and pondering God! :smoking-banana:
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  5. I think following question is way more important than what you asked :

    What benefit did any specific religion gave to humanity in Human history ?
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  6. I think this is probably because of where you live. I lived in the middle east for a while, and learned a bunch of middle eastern history. It goes back three-four thousand years, and mostly reads like the Hatfields vs the McCoys.

    The Thieves Pillars in Shiraz is a more modern example of middle eastern history:

    Shah Reza Pahlavi's great grandfather rounded up the worst thieves in Shiraz and 'gatched' them, killing 120 thieves by burying them alive in plaster of Paris, 60 in each pillar. Afterwards the pillars were made into a monument, which can still be seen near the entrance to the Bazaar in Shiraz.
  7. how you train a dog, punishing and rewarding it. religion does the same thing but in people. a religious person is a domesticated person. and to do that they lie they create false stories they do magic tricks for you to believe what they say. and the government love that.
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  8. If religion didn’t exist, man would have to invent it in an effort to control society. What better incentive to do the right thing than to offer eternal after life at the point of death or, conversely, threaten damnation for nonconformists!?!? Does this explain the existence of many of the worlds religions? Possibly.

    I would accept this thesis but for the fact that I fail to explain my existence outside the reality that I’m here by the will of some supreme entity. But I refuse to buy into the rituals tied to any particular religion.
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  9. Religion used to serve a lot of useful purposes. It was both an excellent means of social control (on many levels) and a way to explain the seemingly mysterious workings of nature and the universe before the advent of modern science. Many people still cling to it because they don't realistically have any chance of achieving self-actualization in this life, and they have to believe that there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow so they don't descend into utter despair. That's how my parents and most of my extended family are. I, the atheist, am the "weird" one.

    Personally, I never felt as free as I did when I decided to give up on the whole mess after exploring a variety of religious options. Deep down, I always had a sneaking suspicion that it was all BS, and I figure life is hard enough anyway without having to worry about whether some fickle, narcissistic invisible entity is going to condemn me to hellfire for all eternity because I don't follow some (mostly) arbitrary, draconian set of rules from thousands of years ago.
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  10. Well stated. I’ve encountered numerous individuals that have turned to religion out of despair for the miserable existence they endure. Without hope of improvement of their present lot, they’re embracing promises of an enchanted life after death.

    I’ve often queried is there really a heaven and hell or is it simply the state of mind at the point of death? Only the deceased know for sure and they’re not talking!

    I’ll never fault anyone’s choice of ideology or theology or lack there of. I’ve been perpetually curious, however, as to the mindset of self-proclaimed atheists. How do you rationalize your existence?
  11. I can't. The knowledge that my existence is a mere happenstance causes me a great deal of inner turmoil sometimes. I suppose it is up to me to carve out some semblance of meaning in my life, since I don't have religion to do it for me.
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  12. The problem with religion today is being a many-faceted aspect of one of the big, divisive issues affecting society at large all over the world. Politics, Racism, Economics, Religion. This state of affairs has not really changed much since the beginning of recorded time. These entities are all intertwined in a complex web of deceit. It's easy to recognize that simple fact once you realize these life drivers compel dishonest people into using anything they possibly can to get what they want.

    They are very difficult to stop/control once they have a large enough following of dimwits. History is replete with examples of this. Yet we continue repeating it.
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  13. Endless wars because of religion as each claims theirs is the better or only way to God when they have no clue as to what God is... Religion promotes dividing and separating whereas "spirituality" promotes Unity in diversity. there is a huge difference.. One brings peace and tranquility, the other promotes fear and hate.

    When you read any of them, they all have these wild "bible stores" each with different characters but really far out stuff, like Noah's Ark for example and man being here at the same time dinosaurs were. Couldn't get too many of them on the ark i'm afraid...

    Hinduism has some wild stories and they recognize over 3 million faces of God but have to give them credit that they respect each others beliefs. So in one family you may have each member worshiping a different form of God and that's OK. They see God in everyone and all things, that is the "body of God". Whatever floats their boat they are not trying to take over the world like some.
  14. I believe all religions have merit as long as they do NOT preach hurting anyone else. Religion seems to be made of such things as compassion, love, egalitarianism, etc.
  15. Yes, they're all BS. Every single one of them. They do some harm and some good. People gain a sense of meaning and community but to be intolerant of others who aren't in the in club of being their religion or do things frowned upon by their particular region.
  16. Pretty much
    That’s my opinion
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  17. Religion is a construct of man, nothing more. I have visited many churches over the years, Gospel, Catholic, Episcopal, Presbyterian, Buddhist temple, and few others I can't recall off the top of my head. The lessons they share are beneficial in my opinion, but the stories are mythological.

    Today's Forcast... Partly Cloudy With A Chance Of Amber.
  18. Some religions are mans attempt to build a bridge to God for the purpose of reconciliation.
    Some religions are mans attempt to make himself equal with God, or reach Godlike status.
    Some religions are mans attempt to war against God.
    Some religions are mans attempt to denounce, or deny Gods existence, placing himself in the position of final authority, answering only to himself.
    Some of these religions actually worship creation, while denying a creator.

    Man has an internal, wired in, need to worship. To seek out and find the object of worship. He'll look to fill this need in the stars, mother earth, Hollywood glitter, statues, various philosophies, even himself-accomplishments/achievements. Take your pick, because it is your decision to make. You decide your own priorities and what will be your object of worship.
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  19. Various religions claim that god created man in his image.
    Actually, it was man who created god in his image. (excluding ancient egyptian & a few others)
    So, to the question: Is every religion in the world BS?
    'Yes' pretty much sums it up.
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  20. My standard answer is always....Religion is the greatest marketing scheme the world has ever seen. I simply do not need religion because I believe and carry confidence in myself.
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