Is enlightenment possible?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by bkadoctaj, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. it seems possible. remember though, the first time you say to yourself, or anyone, that youve been or are enlightened, you are actually the furthest from being so.
  2. Well, if enlightenment has anything to do with harmony, balance, or reciprocity, we can't get away from it. If it has to do with acceptance or acknowledgment, then I'd imagine that it involves compromise as well.

    But one can feel separatist at times, although I'd be willing to guess that that's more like the expansion of one's conception of oneself.
  3. you think enlightenment relates directly to the rise of the frequency of our vibration?
  4. Since the matter-energy distinction is becoming more and more bullshit each day, it's hard to say. All I know is you can feel, taste, and see sound. If there were to be a sixth sense I'd say it was you-ness.
  5. #25 KracKerjacK, Nov 18, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2008
    i don't want to sound arrogant but i think that i'm pretty enlightened as far as understanding myself fully and understanding the world around me.

    unfortunately i'm really starting to lose hope as far as advancing my meditation, i just can't seem to concentrate at all, my mind just wonders constantly n i fucking hate it, maybe i have ADD but when i've taken adderall it speeds me up, and supposedly it slows people with ADD down

    u know what, i think i might have a good idea... i tend to meditate at night, and i always have music stuck in my head n shit from the radio, and thoughts of what happened during that day pop into my mind

    i'm gonna try meditating in the morning (although in the morning all i can think about is getting my fix of OC) when theres not so many things on my mind

    i'm sure the OC isn't helping my focus at all either, and i've said it a million times, but tomorrow i am not gonna fucking get high, i can't, i gotta go to jail friday and i don't want to be full blown dopesick in jail, so at least i can get the first 3 days out of the way since there the worst and then finish up my detox in jail.

    please work this time, i can't take living like this anymore, i need to really focus.. i should go write a note to my dad right now and leave my keys on the kitchen table and tell him "don't give me the keys to my car until i get out of jail, so i have no way of getting high"

    i'm gonna do it while i have the will power.. and i just gotta pray that no one calls me and wants to go get high tomorrow
  6. You cannot control yourself and your mind yet you think you understand yourself?

    What do you understand about yourself and the world around you? Understanding is thought concept, there is no enlightenment in thought. And there aint no 'pretty enlightened', either your an ego self searching and occasionally glimpsing awareness, or you have lost the ego permanently.

    Enlightenment is a realm beyond ADD, beyond biology, behind the mind, behind 'understanding', behind a seperate concept of 'myself' and a 3d space time concept of 'the world around me'
  7. And by having lost your ego permanently, you've lost even your consistent understanding of "ego".
  8. attempting to meditate by thinking of nothing is difficult. dont try to concentrate on clearing your mind. start small and concentrate on, say, youre breathing, inhale (feeling the air sustaining you with life) exhale (now im about to begin the glorious process over). or if oyure out in nature, concentrate on what you hear and sense around you but DONT ANALYSE THAT WHICH YOU SENSE, simply be aware of it (i hear a bird, i feel the wind, etc.)
  9. #29 xchuyx122, Nov 19, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2008

    I usually lay down and find a spot I can focus on easily, (a tile directly ahead). I stare at it as long as I can without blinking, and I do this several times. By the end, I will have looked passed the spot, and seen many different things, only way I can describe it, is that its like when you close your eyes and are facing a light, you see color. I see those colors when I focus on one spot for long enough, and patterns and shapes start to form. If you are trying to meditate, music can help, just listen to a relaxing song with your headphones on and take deep breaths. A joint might help also :smoke:

    and asked for the ego, if any of you really "destroyed" it, you wouldnt be posting on some website.

  10. This is what I worry about..
  11. I'm sure someone could tell you that it's just your ego + an adjective - worrisome.
  12. Is enlightenment contentment? Or do you have to "know" something aswell?
  13. Man, if enlightenment were just knowing you're responsible for being content, it would be hard enough already lol.
  14. Is it not even that hard?

    I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.
  15. I don't know. Can you be without analyzing your being? Can you fully experience a moment?

    Jimi Hendrix - "But first, are you experienced? Have you ever been experienced? WhaAAALLLEEE I have..."
  16. Experience is more emotional in my mind, I remember feelings more than events, and I think I prefer it that way

    Contentment is being happy with what you have

    Enlightenment is having a greater sense of time, space, and phenomena
  17. instead of being a hypocrite, there is no yes or no answer, since no one has obtained enlightenment before, however knowledge is infinite... and i don't think its possible to obtain anything infinitely, i guess it depends on your definition of enlightenment.
  18. Actually nirvana/enlightenment is said to be experiencing infinite bliss and discovering the 'truth' of infinite nothingness that is beyond time, space, and all phenomena.

    There is nothing to prove and it is rather unprovable to claim one is enlightened, but where are you getting this 'since no one has obtained enlightenment before' with so much finality in your statement?

    There are a large host of people in the past and some today who are enlightenment claimants, and a few, not nearly as many but definitely a few who most everyone who comes in contact with them believe 100% to be Enlightened.

    Buddha, Bodhidharma, Jesus Christ, Ramana Maharshi, Paramhamsa Nityananda, Patanjali, and various various others.
  19. sometimes i wonder whether or not "ego death" as people call it in the realm of psychedelics is close to or the same as kensho or satori enlightenment.
  20. I pondered this question for quite some time..

    I feel that we are all enlightened beings with self-formed boundaries blocking our awareness of it. If you seek enlightenment you will never find it, if you become aware of the presence of enlightenment that is already within yourself and within everyone then you will be in a state of enlightenment. I feel that enlightenment and awareness go hand-in-hand.

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