Is Copper Spray safe on budding plants??

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Gimpy2347, Aug 20, 2016.

  1. Noticing small white areas developing on plants. Think it is probably some kind of fungus because its been so wet up here. Wondering if its safe to spray copper on plants. They have been budding for 4-5 weeks already. If not, any suggestions?
  2. @Gimpy2347
    Being a smoked or ingested product I'm ever so picky about what I use..
    Prevention and treatment of powdery mildew on cannabis and marijuana Most sites including Mandelas own site says not to use any copper or sulfer based fungicides..
    I've used Green Cure for controlling Powdery Mildew for the past 5 years and I'm pleased with the level of control.. It's a food grade of potassium bicarbonate.. Sister to household baking soda.. Just potassium not sodium.. Weekly spraying limits the PM on the leaf surfaces and insures I get a clean crop I can trust not to have heavy metals used..
    I get mine from the local hydro shop..
  3. Thanks I'll pick some up!
  4. Thanks I'll pick some up!

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