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IS buying a pice worth the money

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by vasa111, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. in my area a decent pipe is around 45-60 dollers at a store? i can get two blunts for a doller. is it worth buying a pipe or sticking with the blunts and joints?
  2. I personally am very happy that I bought a piece.
    If you've been smokin blunts and joints, give a piece a try.

    Go for a bubbler.
  3. well in a year the glass would cheaper then the blunts plus its more covient. You use less weed and it taste better.
  4. Well if you normally smoke with more than one person then stick with blunts. But if you smoke by your self then get something. It's so nice to just bring out a bong and just smoke.
  5. its very worth it. You need to have variety in smoking, blunts and joints can get a bit old if thats all you smoke.
  6. I got a 2 foot bong at a local novelty shop/ catcher, GonG, $35. Half price. I'm sure if you look around (even online) you can find a good bong/pipe/bub to suit your needs as well as your price range.

    Pieces save weed. Joints tend to waste weed cause they just keep burning. If you put the bowl out on every hit and clear every hit and hold it in a few seconds, you will be getting the maximum hiiiiiiiiiiiiigh from that weed.

    Vapes are even more efficient, but are a little more pricey. For if you REALLY want to save weed and stay healthy.
  7. Bong Beats Blunt Anyday :bongin:
  8. i'm sure headshops have pipes for way less than 45/60. i got a sweet one for 20, and then later i bought a small one for 10, hunt around, ask the headshop owners for deals, and ask for maybe a few bucks off here and there.
  9. Pieces are definitely worth the money.

    They're much more convenient, you dont have to smoke as much and you dont have to worry about buying wraps all the time.
  10. You won't regret buying a piece.
  11. And I'm sure you can find one for less than $45.

    I got this sick piece from the Smoke911 shop for only $25:

  12. I don't like smoking pipes unless it is a bong.
    Saying that I still think you should buy a piece it is worth the money and can make a small amount of weed go a long ways with out tobacco.
    I can't stand smoking a pipe that has not water in it so I suggest getting a bong or bubbler.
    Bongs- Get a nice one it should be thick so it does not break and I like ice bongs because it cools the smoke.
    Bubbler- Get one that is easy to clean those things get dirty. Also try to find one that is bigger than a normal size pipe.
    Spoon- Most every one I know has a spoon pipe just incase we do not have papers or a cigar. I don't see many people smoke them any more around my part. But it is nice to have one.
  13. 70$ and well worth it.

    Attached Files:

  14. for a pipe that is just decent that seems a little high. a decent pipe should be around $20-$30 unless it some crazy sick ass pipe then you are going to pay more.
  15. How can you not find affordable pieces online? I got this for $45:
  16. Definitely worth buying a piece. Your herb tastes so much better when you smoke it through a glass piece in my opinion.
  17. I dont know know where you shopping, but it is completely unnecessary to pay that much for your first piece. Where I am, I can get a pipe for 6 bucks. A decent bong for 30. I bought a 6 inch acrylic for 15 bucks. Its perfect for blazing out the window, because my parents are really sketchy.
  18. Did not read thread.

    My answer is YES, Yes and yes!

    Lets say u smoke 2 blunts a day thats a dollar a day

    30 days=30 bucks

    3months=90bucks - its already paid for itself

    Not to mention the excellent taste of the herb and lets not forget

    Btw, get GLASS, shop around a bit, and consider gettin a screen, i dont use them but the glass screens are nice, i just put a "keeper bud" at the bottom and break up the rest

    And the best part is, if ur cravin a blunt, its only 50 cents

    Worth it every step of the way, ever wanted to smoke but didnt have a blunt? a ride? money? store closed?
    Lucky for u guys i have my handy dandy glass
    *whips out glass*
    friends "ooh" and "ahh"
    lol just sayin...
  19. Bongs/Bowls/Bubblers do not conserve weed. This is just a myth. You use less weed per bowl cap (not always, though... I've seen some bowls that hold as much as a small blunt) on average... But THC is sticky, and it sticks to the glass before it gets to your lungs... So you're actually getting less of the THC out of your weed when you use glass, as opposed to a joint or blunt... Thus, they're actually MORE wasteful.

    Opposed to common belief - You do not need a lot of weed to roll a blunt. If it's just you smoking, a .5 blunt is more than sufficient. If you're REALLY trying to conserve, you can even smoke half of it, put it out, and smoke the other half later.

    But to answer your question, OP... Yes, it's worth it... It's actually cheaper to buy a bowl that you can keep reusing, than to have to continuously buy blunts... And it's nice having a variety of things to smoke out of. Sometimes you don't always have enough weed to roll a blunt, so it's nice having a bowl/bong/bubbler handy sometimes. :)

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