I just saw these Black Leaf glass tubes w/ percs, and worked sections for around $100!? think they are worth it? they're on this webite~ 'Black Leaf' Icebong with dom percolator - Dutch - Grasscity.com
i did, but is Black Leaf anygood? it looks nice, and is cheap as heck! i usually go with Elevate tubes if i want something. They are out of my state (OH) and do really sick quality work... I gotta get some pics of my glass up
no dont buy it, its cheap as fuck. we have them localy and there garbage, but if you cant afford a better tube get it, it will hit decent!
I was also curious about the black leaf bongs. On the measurements for a couple of black leaf bongs between $50-70.. it says their glass thickness is 5 mm. And I noticed the most expensive bong on the site for about $360 also has a 5mm glass thickness. and for EHLE .. I saw one for about $100 and it only had 3.5 mm glass thickness. So i'm confused when you say black leaf has thin glass..because according to these measurements.. it's either the same or better. Can anyone clear this up? EDIT: here's one of the black leafs i was talking about - http://www.grasscity.com/percolater-bong-4.html
Black Leaf is pretty bad, its thin and doesn't hit good. I would go with something else if you could. EHLE is pretty good, but I would buy one of their tubes from EDIT because all their tubes on GC have carbs.