Is anyone in Biden's corner?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Saint Duck, Sep 6, 2023.

  1. Honest question for anyone who voted for him. Does he have any support left? Not Democrats in general, Joe Biden himself. I see an ever increasing number of former supporters doing nothing but trash him and his policies. His continued claims that the economy is booming in spite of all evidence to the contrary is pissing a lot of people off and they are being vocal about it. Just yesterday he claimed that the US inflation is the lowest in the world. (again) And now he's test launching ICBM's in order to show the world our military power? The exact same thing that North Korea does? The petty dictator? Billions to Ukraine but none for East Palestine, Hawaii, or Florida? Not enough time to visit disaster sites but has the record for most vacation time ever taken by a president. I'm not trying to start a flame war, plenty of those here. I am honestly curious as to how anyone can defend any of his policies. Every last "Sanctuary City" is now screaming for a controlled southern border since they cannot handle the influx of unvetted immigrants. His press secretary does nothing but deny his actions and refuse to answer questions. Even MSM is having an increasingly harder time trying to justify his policies in the face of complete failures. The MSM is still showing polls that he has 45-50% support and I find that to be completely unrealistic. So if anyone does still have Biden's back I'd like to know the reasons why. Is it support of his actual policies or is it simply to 'stop Trump'? I'm not talking about any scandals or even criminal actions that he or his family may or may not have committed. I'm purely talking about his policies and actions as president. Has any single aspect of your life improved due to his policies? Do you have more $ in your pocket than you did 3 years ago? I'd like to know what he has done for you that has earned his continued support. Other than just being opposed to Trump.
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  2. Gooooood luck! Lol
    Their all scared and confused.
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  3. Hate to break your bubble but those are not Bidens policies. Sure, the Biden administration policies. However, not Joe Biden. Mr Biden is influenced by many people. He dosnt make his own decisions, and the decisions he has shown to make, was for his families and personal interest first.

    His interest should be americas, however, he has shown that his own interest is first and foremost his priority

    the other thing is, the policies are set for by whoever is really running things and controlling him. They tell him what to do, he does it. He gets the title ‘president’ and the attention
    however, it’s not his policies, not his decisions, not America’s interest in mind

    you can have Joe Lieberman as president now, and it would be the same policies, same decisions, same interest. Not americas

    Maybe once u see that, y’all would better understand. Scapegoats is a good description

    they will get rid of Biden and replace him with someone else. Things will remain the same, same policies, same decisions, same global interest. Not americas interest

    u allready seeing the mainstream media turning their backs to him.
    U think it’s because everything is falling apart? Fuck no. They were told to turn their backs to them. R hey have two years to come up with a new darling. Someone that is good enough to make the public think he is electable. That’s all they need to do
  4. As far as the ICBM's go you guys test launch unarmed warheads to make sure they're in working order all the time. They've been doing them for decades. Seen it on the Discovery channel many times. There are plenty of articles covering previous launches. Has nothing to do with Biden.
    An operational test launch of an Air Force Global Strike Command unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile was conducted today, April 19, 2023, at 5:11 a.m. Pacific Time, from Vandenberg Space Force Base, California. The missile used in GT-246 launched in the early hours of the morning with a launch command delivered from the Air Launch Control System on a Navy E-6 TACAMO, which stands for “take charge and move out.” This test launch is part of routine and periodic activities intended to demonstrate that the United States’ nuclear deterrent is safe, secure, reliable and effective to deter twenty-first century threats and reassure our allies. Such tests have occurred over 300 times before, and this test is not the result of current world events.

    From 2016 - U.S. test-fires ICBMs to stress its power to Russia, North Korea
    Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work, who witnessed the launch, said the U.S. tests, conducted at least 15 times since January 2011, send a message to strategic rivals like Russia, China and North Korea that Washington has an effective nuclear arsenal.
  5. Really? Where do you live at? The rest of the country is struggling. Savings accounts are at record lows and credit card debt is at record highs. All due to inflation. Which is still high here and shows no signs of slowing. Gas is still 60% higher than when Biden took office due to the US no longer being energy independent, as we were under Trump. And the whole Covid fiasco is covered in other threads. Could you possibly point out a few examples of a booming economy? I'm in Ohio and the economy here is definitely not booming. In all honesty the only people who I've heard say that the economy is booming are Biden, his press secretary, and now you. You make the third person I've heard with that position. Even the MSM reports on how bad the economy is. You say that he's done a good job, what in particular is better for you personally than it was 3 years ago? Personally, not generalities like the economy is booming. Personally I pay more for everything, food, gas, insurance, utilities. I have a home to live in but the level of homelessness has risen quite a bit around here. Never thought that I'd see homeless encampments in my hometown. Or multiple families living in single family homes. I can believe that there might be a few pockets around where people are doing well, but those are very few and far between. Most of the country is struggling to stay afloat. I saw CnN show a poll that 71% of the public do not want Biden for a second term, including democrats. My position is that if the economy were actually booming and inflation was actually down then More than 29% of the public would want him reelected instead of the 71% against. I can list specifics when arguing against Biden, but the folks arguing for Biden can not. What specific things are actually better under the Biden administration than before?
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  7. When you conflate inflation and interest rates it shows you don’t understand very basic economic terms. As far as history is concerned I would suggest reading about Weimar, Germany in the early 1920’s. It very much rhymes with today and that includes the sexual deviance being promoted and the same could be said for the Roman Empire.
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  8. Biden got us through covid? I guess nobody told his wife.
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  9. As bleak as it all is my friend the greatest opportunity of our lifetime will be upon us soon. We will witness the greatest wealth transfer in human history. The trick will be not ending up with the short stick.

    The increase in money supply has created massive bubbles particularly in the real estate and stock market. Both will deflate tremendously. Perhaps 50% or more. At the same time all basic necessities will inflate . I fully a 300-400% increase in food and energy prices. Many Americans will be forced to sell whatever hard assets they own just to eat. Problem is there ain’t enough buyers out there because most people will be in the same boat. This will force people to sell things like boats, cars and eventually their homes to eat.

    What I’ve described is only one of the ways folks will lose everything. Interest rates and adjustable rate mortgages are another. TBH the entire banking system is about to collapse. Citizens Bank is next up. I digress.

    All of this devastation is where the opportunity lies. Not just for the rich but virtually every American with foresight and a strong back.

    Here is the scenario I envision. A years supply of food stacked away combined with the ability to hunt and garden. 50% drop in real estate. Precious metals double. I then pick up real estate for pennies on the dollar. Same tactic could be applied to a fallen stock market.
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  10. Well we were having a decent discussion (I thought). Turns out you're just another one name calling and dogging people that have different views. Hard to have an actual discussion with those that simply quote their TVGod, hate Religion and insult others. But hey I started the thread so let's run with it. Still waiting to hear what aspect of your life is better than it was 3 years ago.
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  11. Your expecting too much, they cant give you what they do not have.
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  12. Thank God Donald J Trump saved one million people with his operation warp-speed vaccine.
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  13. It's way easier to show kids how to put things up their ass than it was 3 years ago.
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  14. Fuck Biden in his senile, corrupt bunghole.
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  15. Ew..

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  16. I threw up a lot in my mouth!
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  17. I think we are talking to a bot or a troll, maybe both. New member as of today and the 1st post was in this thread. I think we should call them recession deniers and move on. I’m more interested in solutions.

    How do you think this will play out and what are you doing to protect yourself and your family?
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  18. My biggest concern was caring for my Mom through all this, but she passed in July and now it's just me and 2 dogs. Son is in NC, but he's probably more prepared than I am. Stocked up on basic supplies here. Soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc. Seeds. Trying to prepare for various contingencies. Bought a breadmaker and ingredients. Some long term storage food, not enough yet but getting there. Ammo, lots of bottled water. Cases of coffee. Keep my gas tank filled. Trying not to get caught by surprise when shit starts popping off. No idea how this will all play out, but it seems like something weird is in the air. Large Dem cities are feeling the effects of liberal policies, and their inhabitants are starting to bitch about it. Crime unstoppable. Homeless everywhere. Sanctuary cities are now calling for a controlled border, imagine that. I'm all for legal drugs, but having meth and crackheads roaming the streets seems like a bad idea. I see the Uniparty getting more and more desperate. Mass numbers of videos online showing minorities switching allegiance from the left directly to Trump. Not to the Republicans but to Trump himself. Desperate people do desperate things. It looks like the Uniparty will do anything that it possibly can to incite some type of uprising simply to declare martial law and take over everything. You know, for our own good, lol.
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  19. In 2008 silver hit the bottom at $9 an oz. By 2011 it hit $48 an ox. 5x not double like I mentioned. Home prices also fell by 50% in certain regions of the country between 2008 and 2011.

    I’m not mentioning this for your sake. Level headed individuals are capable of verifying this for themselves and I want them to.
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  20. Again, all TVGod talking points, accusations, and opinion. C'mon, not one specific thing that you can name is better? Thanks to Biden? I can list many specific things that are worse, unsecure border, less available money, higher crime, etc. I'm not dead of corona either, but then again I refused to get the vax.
    I've seen many people accuse Trump of being racist, yet when asked to point out 1 single instance of him showing racism they can not. This seems to be basically the same thing. That's usually when folks resort to name calling.
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