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Is anyone else like this?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by marijuanauser, Sep 27, 2009.

  1. Whenever I smoke I usually feel like I'm not smoking because when I inhale I can't feel the smoke inside of me and I always check if I am by blowing some out, I can usually tell when the smoke burns my throat, but when its some good weed like purple haze, or medical weed, then the smoke is so smooth that I can't feel it in my throat and can't tell if I actually am smoking. Anyone else get confused like this.
  2. yeah, only if im hella blazed already, then its like damn i dont think i inhaled any smoke and i keep hittin it until i cant hold no more, and i end up blowin a fat cloud out....feels like im just suckin in air
  3. thats the beauty of weed. the more you smoke, the better you get at it lol smoke a few bowls and you start toking like a Master
  4. yeah i usually blaze out of my window in the winter so it's hard to tell how much smoke I blow out from my breath. but I KNOW i'm getting a hit it's sorta common sense if you watch yourself light it and clear the tube, or take a pull from a blunt/joint and just open your mouth after you suck it and breath in heavily
  5. #5 compy, Sep 27, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2009
    You're just experienced (or gaining more experience), toking just feels better and better...
  6. My god maybe it's because I'm extremely baked right now, but i know exactly what you're talking about...

    I just smoked some new shit tonight, and i made sure it was pretty moist first, because i absolutely hate taking harsh hits from my Chillum. Initially i can feel the smoke burn my throat etc with most weed, but I didn't this time... I could hardly feel it they were so smooth, and I was never sure if i was actually taking a hit or not...
  7. yeah i love it, makes it so easy to get higher!!!
  8. most of the time i rarely feel the smoke, i usually use pretty good weed plus my bong, pre-cooler, diffused downstem, triple 3 arm percs and ice notches, so i dont feel much...but smoke is always inhaled/exhaled heh
  9. the more you smoke the more your body learns to accept it as a daily routine. I have been super gone when i took some of the fatest hits of my life

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