Is anyone else getting as tired of people as me?

Discussion in 'General' started by infamousnugz, Jun 5, 2011.

  1. I just find people too stressful.

    A lot of girls are bat shit crazy. Expect far too much. Look too far into words and think they deserve the world, because of how a relationship is culturally advertised, not because of realistically how a relationship should go. I can't be around many girls. Friends do this too. Guys do this as well. I say girls because I'm a guy, k, got it? I feel like I see through what they're doing, how they're doing things. I feel like I see through ego a bit too much, like, why a person is acting this way, and what they're hoping to achieve.

    We all just want attention.

    YouTube is probably the worst community ever. My music is better than yours. This artist is bad, because this one is better.

    I live in Canada. The U.S. is evil here. Everyone is talking shit about you guys, even though we secretly love your actors, music and travel destinations, not to mention 70% of our regular cable is from places like Georgia.

    The head banks fuck us over every day, and nothing is being solved. The government lubricates many, many elongated devices and proceeds to fuck us up the ass with deceit every goddamn day.

    I'm 22 and I'm just really not looking forward to growing older and being further apart of this money crazed fucking psychopath world we live in.

    Yes, I can appreciate many beauties in life. I go hiking just to get the fuck away from nagging human beings. I mountain climb to feel alive basically. I know what love is, and I've experienced it before, but guess what? All in all, this is a cesspool of competition, success, failure, green bills and incoming overpopulation, degradation, lack of rights and earthly decay.

    How do you get through a regular day on this planet? Ten points if you expand on why you smoke weed and what else you do other than smoke weed.

    Optimism is welcome, but don't over do it.
  2. Drop out, mannnnnnnn. :hippie:
  3. Dude, you have read my mind...found my insight on life...and posted it!

    Seriously though I know what you mean by seeing through people. Every time I meet a new person or come in contact with people I am constantly asking myself why they act the way they do and why they do what they do when there is no need.

    And it all boils down to attention. Most people NEED attention and I have no idea why.
  4. Ive realised that youve just gotta have a positive outlook, and enjoy YOUR life. Fuck everyone else.
  5. I do realise that ive included positive outlook and fuck everyone else in the same post dont i?
  6. I don't stress over the little things. People are stupid and get in the way but I don't let them ruin anything for me. Why go through a roller coaster of emotions bc of someone else's stupidity? I only worry about people in my life and do what makes me happy.
    I smoke bc it makes me feel good. I love the body high and I feel amazing when I'm really fucked up.
  7. Sometimes it feels inescapable though. Like I'm always going to be surrounded by attention/drama seeking people regardless of where I go.
  8. #8 The Crafter, Jun 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2011
    I go to the nature center about 3 miles away from me every day to smoke, walk, relax, observe, and generally just wonder in amazement at the world.

    It's addicting, nature is.

    I would go to the sandia mountains but they're 30 miles just to get to the bottom and I don't have the right bicycle for that, nor enough money to pay for gas that far even once. Instead I go to a 1/2 mile by 20 mile strip of greenery that follows the rio grand river. It's nice but I want to be immersed in nature, multiple days walk to anyone, just me and the earth. I think I'm rambling but whatever.

    I bet if a bunch of us got together and pooled our resources we could probably be living on a sustainable farm in like 10 years. That's always been my dream. Anyway where was I.

    The reason I go to be in nature so much is that nature doesn't yammer on about the new tv show and how these famous people are doing some crazy thing, or that their favorite sports team is better than my favorite sports team. Nature just puts you in tune with your natural ebb and flow, it lets you see, be, and hear the true you.

    Now don't let this come across as all hippie lovey-dovey tree hugging nonsense, I'm just sayin we need to really think about what matters before it's too late. Sooner than I think anyone cares to realizes, this earth is going to die. We are literally killing the planet we live on, and that's probably how we'll be remembered, the primitive species with so much potential that killed itself to extinction.
  9. I'm just tired of other people trying bring their problems into MY life. they go off and create some unfortunate situations out of their own stupidity, and then feel the need to constantly complain and whine or blame someone else. that's another thing i'm seeing more is that nobody wants to take responsibility for their actions or words. especially when they know they fucked up. i don't understand why a lot of people do what they do, but i have stopped caring, and it's kinda freeing :) i just let people do what they want, say what they want, think what they want, all whilst sitting back enjoying a blunt and watching these power-mad goons go at it. that's fun for me. as long as it don't affect me, i'm cool with whatever the rest of the world does.
  10. Do you have many friends? I feel that if you find the right group of friends you can just sorta ignore everyone else and just go aout doing your own thing.
  11. #11 RonPaul4POTUS, Jun 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2011
    Wow you put what I believe into words perfectly. I agree man. I also blame it on those stupid damn "reality" TV shows that give people false expectations and a false entitlement.

    I am lucky to be in CO and have the ability to go into nature very easily to escape for awhile.
  12. Agreed...I feel like a lot of people nowadays don't have anything to talk about naturally so they create something. Like when the only thing someone ever has to talk about is times where they were wasted/fucked up. And if they aren't talking about something stupid they did while fucked up...they talk about something stupid someone else did. Or something stupid they want to do. Or he said she said bullshit.

    It's like no one can have a genuine conversation anymore about life/interests...damn Jersey Shore fucks.
  13. Don't forget 'Desperate Housewives of Wherever' and 'Meet the Kardashians' etc

    I honestly believe those shows have significantly dumbed down my sister and have taught her being a loud, annoying self-righteous b is normal and expected. I've also seen this happen with other people I know. It's sad.
  14. This is the key. Once this attitude is instilled on an's all over.
  15. This is true.

    I hardly stress. I never get angry in front of people often. I'm very laid back, but there reaches a point of build up I guess. I'm surrounded by relationships consumed by the same lashing drama in each one then friends who feel entitled to voicing their opinions very loudly.

    It's a battlefield out there. I can surround myself by more laid back people like myself, but it still comes to the surface. People have to talk, disagree and inevitably cause drama. We are drama whores.

    I'm glad people agree! I didn't mean to sound like such an angry asshole in my post, but damn.

    Yes man. Nature is the answer in my eyes. Nature is pure, nature doesn't judge you. We are surrounded by so much natural beauty, so many resources. We had it made from the beginning. Who let the world ever get this way, or was it inevitable with so many humans of varying opinion?

    Btw, I'd be down with that farm. :smoke:

    I have a good few friends. Even my best friends are starting to annoy me a little, but we do often brush on this sort of topic, and even though we all agree, we still have drama between us. I've isolated myself from most parties, because I find I get annoyed by people alcohol strapped who force that ego out there.

    I could put up with all this for years. Not anymore. It just makes me feel stress and weak like being around a hyperactive child who doesn't listen.
  16. You should PM me and we can talk that way.

    Up to you.
  17. the world gets worse everyday to bro.. fuckin sucks;'
  18. I make things. Art mostly, but whatever else too. I realized that's the cycle of consumerism can get depressing, and creation is the only respite. People generally spend their money on things that other people make, then go to work where they make more money so they can buy more things. That gets depressing when you're so far removed from the created thing, and the closer you can get to the creation of that thing, the more enriched you'll feel.

    Maybe an example would be more clear. You work at a furniture company, lets say, as a sales person. You work in an office at a computer, talking to customers (either the public or stores who will re-sell your furniture). You input data, make all the numbers match up and hope to come out in the black at the end of the day. For me, that's too far removed from the final product. I would at best see a picture of what might be the thing I'm convincing someone to buy. I'd rather make the furniture, that way from start to finish I can take pride in my work as a labor of love, and feel happy and fulfilled that I've done the best I could and made an excellent product that someone can enjoy for years.

    I have this feeling that my theory is the tip of the ice-berg as to why so many people are unhappy in today's world. They haven't done anything they can be proud of. Their occupations are just moving other peoples things along on the conveyer belt, so to speak.
  19. I think ive gotta start distancing myself from these posts. I agree with you guys to such a degree, but im sick of talking about how sick of other people i am, especially when im not too fond of myself.

    I do know what your saying about friends though. You can really get on with someone but at the same time realise they are doing all the things you despise in life.
  20. Dood I'm right there with you. I can't fucking WAIT to graduate, 3 semesters to go...leaving here as soon as I graduate and going west, colorado or idaho or something lol

    I hate having to deal with assholes every day. A few people are OK, but most are fake and asshole-like

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