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Is anybody working with CBD-V and CBG flower?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Tokintb12, Sep 17, 2023.

  1. #1 Tokintb12, Sep 17, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2023
    Wondering if anyone is working with CBD and CBG flower?
    Recently did some CBD-V and CBG extractions to help enhance (in theory) some edibles I make from the from the extraction
    Any info on personal experience would be best
    Thank you for your time
  2. not personally but have learned that CBG-a is in the young plants .. if you want that you will need to pick the plant young and then use it similar to sprouting the seeds for use of the sprouts except the CBGa is created in the cellulose fiber etc.... .. still need to decarboxylate the CBG-a to CBG etc......
    here are the pathways - see if I can get this right -
    Olivetolic acid and Geranylpyrophosphate create cannabigerolic acid ( CBGA) .

    CBGA then goes on to create either CBDA or THCa synthase depending on the plants genetics .....

    I am not sure what determines the THC-a or CBD-a or what enzymatic pathways are responsible after the CBGA makes them per Varietal of the plant ...

    of note and questions .... at what temp does CBGA decarboxylate the CBG ?

    At what stage of plant growth is best to achieve CBGA levels at Harvest ????
    now onto figure out how CBDa and THCa differentiate in the CBGA synthase pathways ... next time my friend
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  3. I did the decarb in an Ardent FX following instructions found on line

    Still researching some of the cultivars
    CBD-V is another I'm working into my infusions
    First batch of thunder struck 10%THC/15%CBD with undetermined mgs thc-v and cbg-white cultivars added

    Still researching so I will link to any info I find

    My concern is that I may be nullifying the balance that the thunder struck cultivar seems to have

    Replaced Ambien sleep med for a person who did not use cannabis before and the ratio helped with sleep and a bit of pain relief

    New enhanced chocolates are 1 chocolate in so nothing to report
    This is the medical section so the info will be links and short accounts
    Not sure if this is even appropriate for this section but took a chance
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