Is ADHD real, or just 'Bad Parenting'?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Jane_Bellamont, Mar 31, 2017.

  1. It's real
    My parents called me their guinea pig child, which makes perfect sense since my younger siblings both grew into functional, motivated people and I'm just 'the other one'.
  2. Real? Absolutely. Overdiagnosed in the US? Abso-fucking-lutely.

    The American medical system model is to overprescribe and to just throw pills at a problem. Additionally, this is the country where pharmaceutical companies RUN SHIT. This isn't common in other nations. ADHD aside, Americans are prescribed more pills than any other nation. It makes sense that this would trickle down to the kiddies too.

    Why French Kids Don't Have ADHD

    Is ADHD a biological-neurological disorder? Surprisingly, the answer to this question depends on whether you live in France or in the U.S. In the United States, child psychiatrists consider ADHD to be a biological disorder with biological causes. The preferred treatment is also biological—psycho stimulant medications such as Ritalin and Adderall.

    French child psychiatrists, on the other hand, view ADHD as a medical condition that has psycho-social and situational causes. Instead of treating children's focusing and behavioral problems with drugs, French doctors prefer to look for the underlying issue that is causing the child distress—not in the child's brain but in the child's social context. They then choose to treat the underlying social context problem with psychotherapy or family counseling. This is a very different way of seeing things from the American tendency to attribute all symptoms to a biological dysfunction such as a chemical imbalance in the child's brain.

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  3. Of course its real. It doesn't matter the cause but its still a real condition

    Sent from my VS425PP using Tapatalk
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  4. ADHD is uh.........huh? Planted vegetable seeds on mars?

    No.ADHD is ........huh? Look at the holes in the acoustic celing tiles!

    No. ADHD is.....huh? OMG I have to take my meds!
  5. It's real but at the same time overdiagnosed by a society that needs people more to resemble robots than living beings.
  6. I think ADHD is real, but much less common than we think. Most 'ADHD' people are self diagnosed and just using it as an excuse for their weakness, just like being OCD. I've met one OCD person my entire life and it was exhausting to watch them.
    I was diagnosed with ADHD by many doctors and most my school teachers talked to my parents about it.
    I snapped out of it during high school when I was kicked out for failing every class my freshman year. The bad kids forced me to smoke at a bus stop to school and I somehow managed to focus and soak in information.
  7. It's real for sure, my mom was diagnosed as an adult.
  8. Not bad parenting, I'll tell you that much. Some of the most caring parents have kids with ADHD. I was diagnosed with ADHD (but I never bought it, and everybody I tell that to has a shocked look on their face because I'm the most calm person you'll meet and very attentive). I think it was just me being a kid and having lots of caffeine and sugar, because I drank soda all the time as a kid and probably had more junk than I should've.

    I personally think "ADHD" is a result of this quick, fast-paced environment that kids are expected to immediately adapt to, and if they don't, they're put on meds. We push more knowledge into kids than ever, and we live in a world where multitasking is so vital and imperative to survive. "ADHD" perhaps is just a natural evolutionary process which is an attempt at changing our brain to be able to better multitask and survive in this multitasking world.

    that's my unresearched opinion, but coming from someone who was previously diagnosed with ADHD, it must have a little background.
  9. Real but misdiagnosed, under and over diagnosed IMO. I also believe it's genetic. I have sibling who have it and I most likely suffer from it as well but because of my age it was undiagnosed. It caused a lost of problems for me my whole life not knowing when finally it was addressed I was already past 60 and had other medical issues and was told flat out. Doesn't matter at this point in your life, you have gone past the point in your life where treating it can change your life for the better. You have learned to live with it and the upheaval it causes. It only affects you and not other people you work with so its not necessary to treat it. In other words - I'm too old - it doesn't matter if it makes my life harder. Lol People also believe Autism, Aspergers isn't real but I can tell you it is real having worked with kids all my life and having a grandson with autism/Aspergers it is very real. Not just bratty kids.
    Now there are parents who want their kids to be ADHD just because they want an answer for spoiled, unruly kids in some cases. There is no pill for kids that truly are just plain spoiled and there is really a difference.
  10. My sister too, her world changed once she was on medication. Both my brothers were diagnosed as kids. They refused to diagnose and treat me as an adult because I was over 60. They said there was no reason, I had already lived my life that way and adjusted, didn't need to work around others or go to school so it didn't affect others.
  11. Very real to me. I have it majorly and all through my young life. Sadly, parents didn't really understand it(nor did I) it and it really hurt me in school and even in todays life. I feel bad for kids who have it as the mind wonders so much it's really hard to keep on one idea. Something that can be seen as "lazy kid" Or "not listening" isn't true at all(maybe in some cases lol).

    So I feel it's up to the parent now to know more about this as it's very common today. I have others in my family who are massive ADHD and they go off the walls with some of the things they do.. But when they take the meds they are A+ students.
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  12. Yes of course it is real, there are literally prescriptions for treating it

  13. Big Pharma pyramid scheme to push product that turns regular people into braindead zombies. T-virus, anyone?

    On a more serious note boredom is however you see it, not how others experience it for you. Diagnosing kids with fake illnesses is why doctors are the most wicked of all professions under the guise of "just trying to help..."

    In my experience bad parents who abuse medications are opioid addicts who get their hands on as many pills as possible. Lousy parents, to say the least.

    Then Charlie Bartlett learns the scheme and profits by selling these drugs to his "needy" friends. America loves gangsters and profit, no matter the cost.
  14. I think it's real and bad parenting can make it worse.
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  15. It's definitely real. My grandson was always in trouble in school. He could not sit still. He could not sit in his seat. He wanted to get up and run around. My daughter is really good with disciplining him. He was finally put on medication and he does well in school now and has friends. Before, the other kids didn't even want to play with him. He's 9 now.

    I've noticed a difference when I take care of him. He comes over here and wants to jump all over the furniture. I call my daughter and ask if he took his medicine that morning. When she said no, she forgot to give it to him, I went to his house to get it . After he took it and it kicked in, he was the normal loving boy I'm used to.
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  16. condition brought on by bored kids poor parenting. my butt hurt too bad to have adhd for too long
  17. No, i think its more than less a personality trait.

    LIke the OP said, Hunter-Fisher.

    We are meant to be active.

    IF we are, we can't flourish.

    THen were given horrible prescriptions to calm us. It's fucking bullshit.
  18. I would be cautious calling him normal now that he is on a psychotropic drug.

    I dont want to argue or anything, so i am not bringing for that reason, I just wonder if he isn't wired differently. Have you guys ever though about putting him in a martial arts class? Get out some energy and give him something to focus on and aspire toward. Some cases of ADHD i think are boredom, and what is more boring than school? He might just be very energetic, curious, creative and needs an outlet to express it properly.


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