Is a draft ever justified?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Ghostwriter*, Aug 6, 2009.

  1. Yay or nay, and why.
  2. Is war ever justified? All day. Legitimately? Never.

    Besides, wars aren't won with numbers anymore so need for men can scarcely be justified. It would be ridiculous to issue a draft when we have troops in 140 countries... the sensible thing to do would be to dedicate a greater percentage of troops that we already have to the threat that poses more danger.
  3. Only justified if your country is being invaded.
  4. If you vote, give a reason. I think the discussion is more valuable than the poll results.
  5. The draft is a terrible idea. How many trained marines/army/navy soldiers do you think really want people that have no idea what they are doing to have someone elses life in their hands? none. Same as people that dont want anything to do with war dont want to risk their lives and others for something they dont support/believe in.
  6. If public education is free, i think those who benefited from it (students), should have to serve two years in the military in order to pay back the taxpayers. However i believe that those who are drafted should be able to claim some sort of conscientious objector status where they would have to serve but in a support roll only.
  7. I agree with the budda about a few years military service being made mandatory... It happens in some european countries. ( Sweden for one off the top of my head).. I had an israeli girlfriend before who also had to do some service..

    While i believe 99% of wars are unjust i believe a lot of kids these days would benefit from a bit of discipline.. For starters it will prepare them for the real world and it will help them socially..
    In the army unless you are an officer it does not matter if you are rich or poor, black or white you will get your ass kicked in the same way..
    I did some service when i was younger and i think i benefited from it...
  8. Only in a case where the United States was under imminent threat by a nation larger than our own (China, Russia).

    Even then, I think we could take 'em.

    Realistically, a large scale infantry-based war will probably never happen again on Earth. Pretty soon, the strongest army won't even have any soldiers.
  9. No, a draft is never justified.

    How is it freedom if you're forced to go to war when you don't want to?

  10. But why then should you be able to benefit from a free education paid for with tax dollars. What would be the harm in serving your country for 2 years in a support non-combative roll.
  11. I voted yes, but I don't think it should be implemented except in very isolated cases of war. Rather than the crappy pay and living standards the volunteer military now gets, we'd be much better off with a well-paid, professional military - all of them specialists and highly trained/experienced. We'd need a much smaller number of them.

    We should also close down bases in Europe, and many other places. Who the hell are we protecting them from, the Chinese?
  12. See the problem is Budda, they only want the free stuff if they dont have to make sacrifices. Screw the people who have already made them.

  13. +Rep for saying it like it is.
  14. because you have to DEFEND that freedom, DUH
  15. People won't ever be paying back those taxes when they start their job/career? There wouldn't be any harm serving your country if the war was justified. But a draft, regardless of a justified war or not, is never justified. If citizens believe that we are at war for a legitimate reason then there won't be a need for a draft. Why should a pacifist have to go to war?

    What a nice, cynical attitude you have.

    You make it seem as if without a draft there would be no troops. Hell we have plenty of troops fighting in this BS war without a draft.

  16. I never said you would have to go to war. There's tons of support rolls to be filled. I look around at today's youth and there's a lot of them that would benefit as well as society would benefit from the training. It instills respect for self and others, pride and accomplishment. Consider it payback for the freedom and liberty you enjoy that was paid for with the blood and sacrifices of others.
  17. I think the a better and more realistic question to ask is "Is slavery ever justified?"
  18. Ok, so your saying our armed forces are slaves now?

    I served in two branches, i don't consider myself a slave.
  19. I'm saying drafting people and forcing them to fight unwillingly is a form of slavery. If you enlisted, then of course that's not considered slavery.
  20. Were you drafted?

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