Is a Black Swan Event coming?

Discussion in 'General' started by Saint Duck, Jan 14, 2024.

  1. I've been hearing more and more about a possible Black Swan event in our future. A Black Swan event is an occurrence or disaster that is completely unexpected, yet in hindsight seems that it should have been completely obvious. It can affect countries, regions, or even the whole world. The Great Depression, various wars, revolutions, disease outbreaks, etc. All have been called Black Swan events. There are lots of articles circulating at the moment about the possibility of one happening soon. Lot's of articles claim that the Elite are already preparing for something that they refer to as 'The Event', as if it's not even a question, it is definitely coming. Any thoughts on the matter? I'm 61 and the tension level in this country (the World?) is at the highest level I've ever seen. The whole Democrat/Republican situation.(you must pick a side each say, or you are against us). Racial tension is being hyped up even when it doesn't really exist. People's sexuality (used to be private) is public and has actually become some peoples entire identity. Government spending and regulations are completely out of control.(both parties, or rather the Uniparty's fault) Unlimited money printing and debt. Regional wars that could easily spread. The illegal immigrant situation here and worldwide. All these tensions, and many others, consciously and subconsciously, seem to be reaching a peak or possible climax soon. I've done what I could as far as stocking up on staple items and supplies. But you can only do so much without becoming an all out prepper and preparing for doomsday. Everybody seems to be looking over their shoulder waiting for something to happen. Is it just me and my imagination? Is the media convincing me that something bad is on the way? Are we headed for a Black Swan event?
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  2. Its expected.. errm especialy being a christain and all..
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  3. Solar flare induced grid destruction, back to the bronze age.

    Not enough transformers to recover from a massive grid loss, and you wont be making them very fast with bronze age metallurgy.
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  4. Ask a Magic 8 ball, it will give you as good an answer as you can get on here.
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  5. Somewhere, sometime…the difference is…is it natural? Or is it man made?

    they have mastered weather control. They mastered earthquake control.

    Everything depends on the internet.
    If a bad actor fucks either one or both up-most of the world will go to shit
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  6. I've gone full retard, especially with food and ammo.
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  7. I don't know if it was the lawd himself but I got sober in 2020 and was told to be ready for 2025.

    Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe my boat's gonna make sense when the rain comes.
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  8. I Don Believd Or Listen To People Who Say This Kinda Tings It The Same Kinda People Who On The Streets Talkin Bout The End Times. I See That Alot In Chicago An It All BS. Nobody Can Predict The Future Anybody Who Say They Caan Isa Liar.

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  9. Phew, what a relief!

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  10. Global events like economic crises, pandemics, geopolitical shifts, or natural disasters have the potential to be considered Black Swan events. Is this true?
  11. Yes, but it appears as if it comes out of nowhere, and nobody sees it coming. When it should have been obvious to all. The Hindenburg explosion surprised everyone and basically put an end to blimp travel. We should have known that filling a balloon with explosive gas was not a good idea. Seems obvious now, was not obvious at the time.
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  12. I agree sis, I also want to know if there's anything I can do to keep the world alive, like say recycling and just being a good citizen but there's a difference between people giving you important information that you need to survive... and people just trying to get a reaction out of you. We're all terrified of things like dying and the end of the world, and then you get some lonely guy sitting in a bus terminal totally bored so he talks nonstop about the end of the world. And people move away from him.
    Sure! He could be telling the truth! The world could be about to blow up tomorrow!
    Or? He could just have smoked the wrong batch of weed and be totally paranoid.
    Black Swan Events are possible no matter what year or century it is. Anything can happen at the drop of a hat. Someone's child can fall under the wheels of a bus and get run over in seconds. Every minute is about staying IN the moment, in the present. Do what we need to do to survive. Don't fall asleep with the stove burning, etc. Since smoking weed I am much better about being in the present. The past is easy to forget anyway bc of short term memory issues lol. Fuck the future. I'll be dead in the future. I just want NOW.
    That's all we can do to stay sane, just live moment to moment. But if a Black Swan Event comes tomorrow, I will at least make sure I am damn good and high for it!
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  13. Well there's one good thing about all this. If the world ends, we wouldn't know or remember it ending lol.

    Sent from my LM-X420 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
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  14. #14 Vee, Jan 15, 2024
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2024
    I joined the ELITE last year and of the 3 main concerns the new sleeping disease is the once to watch for
    its expected to wipe out most the world eventually, half the world is semi sleep, but like I said at the meeting, that may well be cannabis legalization, 2nd is the split amongst the USa States, is no more, one side is demo and the other repubs, it screws the world as many rely on the worlds police force but at this call no one is at home

    The good news China falls from within, they see the light and want what US no longer has, freedom and choice, a new Hitler arrives much loved but then turns and turns fast on his people.

    Their is a very strong women in the Whitehouse, no none knows her name, or if she is their yet, for she will save the white world from the hoards of no bodies, a real Hero(but who)

    That's what the Elites are waiting on, telling you this may get me kicked out,
    but they like my weed, I only joined to prevent me paying over 50% tax

    Lets discuss the Internet Crash and Hack even the Cybercurrency of 24 crash, once its happened
    and yeah lets get the US dollar linked to all the cybercurrency by the feds first, but later
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  15. As long as it's not another blm riot
    I'm ok with the black swan event.
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  16. You mean like Detroit winning the Superbowl?

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  17. Maybe my boats gona make sense when the rain comes

    lol I love that quote! I hope u don’t mind if I use it lol
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