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Is 3 hours enough time to cook cannaoil?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Chimera Prod, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Hi guys I have about a quarter of og kush and coconut oil set in a crock pot on LOW and was just wondering if 3 hours is enough time to get some decent oil.
    Everyone I read about says they do it for 6 hours + but

    the weed is already turning brownish. Will this still be pretty potent? I can't do it for any longer :eek:
  2. 3 hours should be plenty. Have you checked to make sure it's gotten to appropriate temps (not too low and not too high)? I basically try to get it about 15 degrees below the vaporization point.
  3. Negative, I did not get a digital slow cooker. Most people say they just use the low setting on their crock pots and it works, so hopefully I'm good. Thanks for the reassurance.

    I was wondering because I heard the less weed you have, the less time you need to cook it. Like 5 g's is 3 hours, 10gs for 6, half oz + for 12 etc.

    Is this true? Or does it not work like that?
  4. I have no idea but I'm interested to know as well, so this may serve as a bump, even though it was already on the main page lol

    in regards to the time to mass ratio or what have you
  5. You don't need a digital cooker, I use a digital food thermometer (which I often use for chicken).

    I occasionally stir the mixture ensure that it's blending evenly. Just use commonsense really, if you have a large amount it might take a little bit more time, but I wouldn't think that anything would take more than 3 hours or so.

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