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irish prices and strains

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by novice92, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. anyone from ireland know weed prices.
  2. yeah lad, 50 euro an 8th seems to be the going rate, might get bit of a discount if you buy in bulk, also 60 euro for quarter of pollen, thats what it is round ere anyway. if u find sum one with decent smoke dont let em slip through ur grasp! tis hard to come by
  3. ye where i am its 50 an 8th, 150 a half, and 300 an oz
  4. yeah, ive never heard anyone tell me what strain the smoke is either, never. spose if ppl grow it themselves theyd tell ya
  5. Why would you even buy weed when you can get a quarter of kief for 60 lol!??!
  6. i dont care about prices in the states
  7. tuning in.. We may be going to Ireland for our honeymoon so it would be interesting to know a little before hand.. :smoke:
  8. 3.5g for €50 practically everywhere in Ireland...
  9. Is it true that 90% of Irish weed is laced with glass or copper fillings? :(
  10. My buddy gets a eighth for 50 euro and he tells mehe gets blue cheese
  11. 50 euro rbou 3.5 grams of sprayed weed but 50 for 2.5 grams of blue cheese (good weed)
    by the way the hash is shit in most of ireland , does anybody still buy score bags ?
  12. main strains in dublin are amnesia haze , lemon haze , blue cheese, and then sprayed dirt

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