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Ireland to Legalize? + Granny Got Stoned

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Storm Crow, Nov 29, 2022.

  1. Like many early attempts, I really expect this bill to fail. But it IS a first step toward legalization! Maybe next time it will pass?

    Irish Lawmaker Files Bill To Legalize Marijuana Possession For Adults, Draws Early Criticism From Top Government Official
    Irish Lawmaker Files Bill To Legalize Marijuana Possession For Adults, Draws Early Criticism From Top Government Official

    An Irish lawmaker has filed a bill to legalize marijuana possession nationwide for adults 18 and older—but a top government official has already raised concerns about the reform proposal.

    People Before Profit TD Gino Kenny introduced the long-anticipated legislation on Thursday. It would legalize possession of up to seven grams of cannabis and 2.5 grams of marijuana resin for personal adult use.

    The bill is currently before the Dáil Éireann, the lower chamber of Ireland’s legislature. It’s not clear if lawmakers from competing parties will work to advance it, but the the sponsor said that he expects the body to have a “wider debate” on cannabis reform “next year.” (snipped)

    Thinking about Ireland and possible legalization got me thinking about something I did years ago. I got really stoned on a St Patrick's Day and the song "Wearing of the Green" came on the radio, and my stoned brain twisted it into this-

    Toking of the Green

    (With apologies to Dion Boucicault, but somehow I think he would understand!)

    Oh my friends, dear, and did you hear
    The news that's going round,
    Cannabis is forbid by law
    To grow on any ground.
    420 Day no more we'll keep
    The plant it can't be seen
    For there's a bloody law agin'
    The toking of the green.

    I met with Rapper Tandy
    And he took me by the hand
    And he said "How's our home land?
    And how does she stand?"
    She's the most distressful country
    That ever you have seen,
    They're jailing men and women there
    For toking of the green.

    Then since the laws we must endure
    Are by racism fed
    Sure all tokers will n'er forget
    All the blood that that has been shed.
    You may take the pot seed from your joint
    And cast it on the sod,
    But 'twill take root and flourish still
    For its blessed by God.

    When the law can stop the blades of grass
    From growing as they grow,
    And when the buds in summer time
    Their trichomes dare not show,
    Then I will change the leaf
    That I toke unseen,
    But till that day I'll stick for aye
    To toking of the green.

    But if at last our sweet herb should
    Be torn from our land's heart,
    We all with shame and sorrow
    From the dear old sod will part.
    I've heard a whisper of a country
    called Cali-for-ni-ay,
    Where tokers can light one up
    In the light of freedom's day.

    My friends, how can you bear this,
    These laws by the prohib's hand?
    Must we ask a mother's welcome
    From that strange, but happy, land?
    Where the cruel cross of prohibition
    Never shall be seen
    And where in peace we'll live and die
    Toking all that green.

    Granny :wave:
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  2. Well 7 is something anyway. Great lyrics there, Granny! I would love to get high in Ireland sometime, wow... went there in 2001 before 9/11. Beautiful place.
    I can imagine sitting at the Cliffs of Moor smoking a bowl and taking in the many shades of green... that would be dope! :love-m3j:
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