Iranian Short Season Strain ( I.S.S ) !

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by LemmeLickYoAss, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Dr.GreenThumb has a Feminized Auto Flowering Iranian Short Season strain.

    This particular type of Auto Flowering strain is recommended to be grown outdoors.

    Height is between 18 inches to 24 inches tall ( Foot and a half - Two feet tall ).

    Finishes in August, so I would assumed you would start it in the sunny Summer day's of June, if it's a true Auto Flowering strain.

    Supposedly high yield and very potent.

    A 10 pack of Feminized Auto Flowering Iranian Short Season from Dr.GreenThumb is $150.00 USD.

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    Does anyone have any experience or knowledge on this strain, before I spend $150.00 cash on it ?

    Is it the real deal ?

    Thank you !

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