In direct challenge to Trump, Iran's president says it could restart its nuclear program 'within hours' Rouhani said Iran could quickly resume its nuclear activities and increase its quantities of enriched uranium — a precursor to building a nuclear bomb — to levels higher than before the agreement.
I'm Pro Trump!, but I strongly disagree with aggression with Iran. Iran does not pose a threat to the USA. The Israeli have been using the USA as it's proxy to fight in the Middle East through their NECONS pals. If you're a patriot you would understand George Washington Farewell address where he warns the US to stay out of foreign affairs. I love this great nation, but hate some if it's past policy makers. Here's a brief history of Iran and USA relationship.
What's this got to do with Obama? I'm sure the Iranians are just firing a warning shot across Trump's bow here. Are you looking for more sanctions or war with Iran or what?
Due to Iran's terrain, it would be one of the most challenging places in the world to fight. It would make Afghanistan look like child's play. This is a fight no one but Israel wants.