Oh the hypocrisy............. Which country refuses to let Nuclear inspectors in ? Which country refuses to declare whether it has nuclear weapons ? http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jan/15/truth-israels-secret-nuclear-arsenal
Uhh, this has nothing to do with Israel, despite your obsession with it. Iran was the one who signed the NPT and is breaking the rules.
Read the article J, it is very relevant to the OP. It details the West's hypocrisy in its demands on the Iranian government while ignoring the Israelis secret stockpile.
Sorry, but which country agreed to open up its nuclear programme to the west in exchange for the removal of sanctions?
At least they signed something and the international community has some recourse if Iran doesn't follow through, whereas the Israeli stock pile exists in the shadow of deceit.
Which country agreed to have its facilities inspected by the IAEA in exchange for removing sanctions? Which country is a member of the NPT yet violates the rules..?
Are you saying that countries with secret sneaky sneaky nuclear programmes should face sanctions ? You might want to consult the Holy Book of Hasbara on that one J...
Need I remind you Iran is a member of the NPT? Just because Israel isnt doesn't mean Iran is no longer responsible for following the rules of the NPT which it WILLINGLY signed
from a source that is NOT the times of israel dot com http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/02/10/us-iran-nuclear-iaea-idUSBREA1907820140210 U.N. nuclear watchdog sees 'good' progress with Iran, much work remains
Do you do yoga or something? Twisting and turning like a pretzel to justify your side and vilifying the other?
You stated that countries with secret nuclear programmes should face sanctions J. I am all for that. You should join the BDS movement J...
Law not applied evenly is an unjust law. Why should a sovereign Nation bend to the will of hypocrites and meddlers? These are causes for war, and we are expected to believe forcing a sovereign nation into a corner is preventing it? I'm not buying.
Which country agreed to have its facilities inspected by the IAEA in exchange for removing sanctions? Sounds to me like you are advocating the imposition of sanctions upon countries with secret nuclear weapons programmes like Israel. What do you propose ? I reckon a blanket ban on any country having any financial dealings with Israel would be a good start ?
I'd rather Israel sign the NPT and then violate its terms than to have a lurking nuclear arsenal that is destabilizing the entire region.
Bacause In this case, iran wants something from the west, in which the west receives no actual benefit in doing so. The nuclear talks are already proving to be a failure as expected.