so the other day my "friend" called me up said he and his sister were riding around in my area can they come chill at my crib. i said sure come on over but im about to have to leave. so they come kick it for a bit and sometyhing just dint feel right but i wasnt worried at all. my friend was acting wierd as fuck he said he had to go get something out of his car but came back upstairs without i was like w/e cuz he is always like that just doing wierd shit and i dont realy give a fuck usualy. so they leave i leave i go get fucked up come back and realise my fucking ipod is gone. what the fuck! this is the only person i have had in my room since i last saw my ipod. so i basicaly know he has it but i told him i wasnt suspicous of him. he said his sister might have taken it and he would look through her shi for me. its been 2 days but he never sad another word about it. so what is my best chance to get my shit back? i know where he lives in a low security ass trailer (he said theres cameras but i doubt it cuz he never even locks his fucking door) i thought about going to his house acting like im not mad at all, then just tell him give me my shit back or ill beat his ass which i have no problem doing but i was trying to think of something else..fighting is not the best way to solve things but if its my only option fuck it ill beat his ass and go through his shit....
You aught to go beat his ass before he pawns that shit for a couple boxes of cereal and some undershirts. Seriously though, if you don't do shit, shit won't get done. I dunno if that means fighting, but you have to tell him wtf is up. Think before you act, don't do anything that will lower your chance of getting it back. You know he has it.
What Thai_Sticks said - You know he has it and the longer you wait the more likely it is that he's pawned it. Go get it back, and take something of his while you're at it. Whatever you do don't tell him whats up until you're at his house.
Let him know that you KNOW he has it and he just has to give it back. Get the po involved, or parents (if he's a kid), or w/e you gotta do. He fucking stole from you, that's like the worsed thing you can do to a friend/acquaintance. And unprovoked. Just fucked up. Don't be worried about looking badass, just make sure you get back what's yours.
Is there any chance you misplaced it? I'd search your house real well, I've lost my iPod Touch for days at a time before. It's just so thin it falls out of my pocket and into any crevice it can find. If you're sure he took it though, you'll probably have carry out your initial plan to get it back. If he was willing to come to your house and steal it from you, I don't think he's going to give it back just because you ask him.
Get him to come over to your house again, tell him you've got nice weed & even better girls waiting for him. When he gets there, well that's up to you, but I would make sure he didn't look right for about a month & make sure you get at least the value of your ipod back WITH interest. GL.
I love my iPod Touch to death and I protect this thing with my life, as I spent a lot of money on it, not including all the applications I bought (which is like one, it was Beejive IM) - I bought a case for it and everything, I clean the screen daily with the provided cloth and there isn't one scratch on it except near the Apple on the backing of the iPod, blah.. not like I'm trying to sell it, haha sorry. Just trying to make the point that if anyone ever stole my iPod, the moment I found out who it was or cleverly deducted who it was, I'd be right at their house with my fist ready to be introduced to their face if they wern't willing to give it back..
Don't bother with fighting him, you should be smarter than that, and if he doesn't know that you know that he stole it, that's even better. Go over to his house some time and take EVERYTHING, that'll teach him.
Whoa I'm typing on my ipod touch right now that's trippy. Anyways like I'm too messsed up to tap out advice right now. I really hope you get it back man. Good vibes.
like for real, if hes your friend, make sure as shit that its not lost my sister lost her ipod once, and she thought it was stolen cuz she saw someone on her bus with one, that "she could have swore was hers" and it ends up, it was in the back of her closet for 6 months but if your SURE he stole it, stand the FUCK up for yourself and get ready to beat his fucking ass
Report it to Apple, if you still have the box, then the serial number is on it, they can put it in the system and when someone connects it to an Itunes account, whamo, they get the cops to get it. but if you dont have the box, just invite him and his sister over to your house again, lock the doors, get a bat or like ten other people hiding and just be like " Give me my Ipod" and well, be creative with the rest.
people are shady as fuck these deals stealing from alleged friends. i steal shit just not from my friends thats wrong on a whole new level
GUYS! There are other ways to deal with this situation other than violence. Beating a kid up is never going to help. The fact that you're so quick to assume your good friend stole your ipod shows to me that the two of you are not even really friends. Maybe smoking buddies, but not friends. Ask him straight up if he took it. Not by text, nor email, nor phone. Go see him and ask him face-to-face. If he says he doesn't have it, what can you do? Maybe it was his sister? But beating him up will only make him pissed off at you, and also all of his other friends will probably be pissed off at you and retaliate. THINK !!!
i totally agree with that advice. i lost mine all the time, so look in any couch i dont think violence is the answer
when you have the chance to talk to him, dont be angry or threaten him, just tell him calmly you want your ipod back, or if he's sold it like expected, tell him you want every single penny back or youll make it more serious and get more people involved