DES MOINES, Iowa -- The debate on whether Iowa should legalize the use of marijuana for medical treatment continues as state pharmacy regulators hear from patients, doctors and others during a hearing Wednesday in Des Moines. The pharmacy board is conducting four public hearings as part of a scientific review that followed a decision last month to reject a petition to reclassify marijuana.A Polk County judge had ordered the board in April to reconsider the petition to remove marijuana as a Schedule I drug. Those drugs are believed to have no safe medical use and to has a high risk for abuse. The Wednesday hearing came as the ACLU's Iowa chapter filed a new petition with the courts to change the drug's classification, seeking to overturn the board's decision.Iowans Speak Out "I have severe nausea, folks. I know what it's like to crawl around on the bathroom floor like an animal in the morning, vomiting with my head in the stool. And I need your help. I'm not here because I want to get high, I'm here because I want to stop being sick," said Robert Manke, of Des Moines.Manke said he's a medical marijuana user, but under the eyes of the law, that also makes him a criminal. Manke spoke to the Iowa Pharmacy Board as it considers whether to recommend allowing doctors to prescribe marijuana for patients who suffer from some ailments."It is time to legalize the passage of a law in Iowa allowing doctor-advised medical use of marijuana. Let physicians certify deserving patients with debilitating conditions which have been previously mentioned to receive the medical benefits of marijuana, which likely outweighs the risks," said Dr. Edward Hertko, retired internal medicine physician.While nearly all the speakers at Wednesday's hearing advocated legalizing medical marijuana, not everyone agreed."No sound scientific studies have supported medical use of smoked marijuana for treatment in the United States," said Gary Young, Iowa Elks Association.More Meetings... As part of its effort, the Iowa Pharmacy Board plans to examine current science and medical findings and listen to testimony from doctors and patients.Board director Lloyd Jessen said it also would look at federal and state drug laws, including those in states that allow marijuana use for medical treatment.The board has scheduled four public hearings. They are set for Des Moines on Wednesday, Mason City on Sept. 2, Iowa City on Oct. 7 and Council Bluffs on Nov. 4.Jessen said the board doesn't have the power to legalize marijuana for medical use, but it could suggest lawmakers reclassify the drug. i hope it pulls through!
hey i live in iowa any more news about this??????i hope iowa does ima end up movin to cali but if iowa passes this illstay
I live in Iowa and yes I really do hope Iowa follows suite and legalizes medical marijuana. btw I live in Dubuque