Iolite Vap Question..

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by mastertaiter, Apr 20, 2010.

  1. #1 mastertaiter, Apr 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2010
    Hey all,
    I have been smoking weed for the last 5 years:smoke:, but i finally decided to switch to a vaporizer. So I just bought a new Iolite. I have never actually vaped before, so i have a quick question about vaping with the Iolite.

    My problem is that i think my vape may be running too hot. It seems like there is alot of "vapor" when i exhale. Maybe i'm just using it wrong. Are you supposed to hold hits in for a long time? :confused:

    Once again. I feel like a idiot asking such a simple question...:wave: but i didn't know who else to ask! Thanks! :)

    PS. Happy 4-20 guys!...
  2. Nah man, i got my iolite a while ago and the uber ammount of vapor is good. If your weed is really dry you'll get bigger hits. Hold your hit in for like 3-5 seconds. Also grind up your weed really fine
  3. If your vaped bud turns out looking black, than yes, it's operating at too high of a temp. Could have a faulty thermostat. It wouldn't be the first time.

    But if it's coming out brown, it's fine.
  4. I would imagine your fine....I get big hits off of mine and the weed comes out a light brown colour...

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