Iolite Review Thread - Post Your Iolite Reviews Here! Thanks!

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by Hustllin247, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Hey guys! Along with many others I am interested in buying it. So those that have used it, could you please leave reviews of the iolite and the website you got it from? Please list the pros and cons of it.

    I have checked out other threads but I want a comprehensive list on this thread. Maybe it will get stickied? :smoke:

    Thanks GC, much appreciated!!!
  2. hey man instead of making another thread about the iolite why don't you use the search feature. i know you said you checked out other threads but did you really or are you just saying that because i found 42 threads on the iolite and i'm sure all the info you could ever want can be found in one of those 42 threads.

  3., all the info you'll ever need

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