So recently I went down to the Hippie Gypsie (great headshop located in New Orleans, LA on Canal) and purchased the Iolite Portable Vaporizer for Around 220$ with tax. Now the vaporizer is absolutely a great investment because of the portability! However, after frequent use of the vaporizer the roof of my mouth started to itch! I know how ridiculous this sounds but I honestly believe it has something to do with drying out the top of my mouth from sucking through the straw-like mouthpiece. I was just curious if anyone else has found this to be true or having somewhat the same experience as I am having. When I got my wisdom teeth pulled they specifically said no drinking through a straw because it may cause dry sockets where my teeth once were. I was thinking it could be along the same lines just a larger scale..
You might have an allergy to the mouthpiece. I'd try to ghetto rig a replacement or some sort of cap/cover.
my iolite was 112 dollars shipped and I believe it is about 100x better then a shitty wooden box that heats up. op, you might have an allergic reaction to the plastic? idk. my mouth has never itched after using it. and you aren't getting a dry socket in your mouth smh.
i dont care for the iolite butain is a hastle and more expensive than charging a battery for 10 mins and plus the mflb uses infra red and ceramic heating elements way more effeciant than the iolite and i have used an iolite
I had an Iolite, and traded it for herbs after I got my Magic Flight on. The Iolite was like sucking on a hair dryer (worst dry mouth ever). The Magic Flight hits much cooler, and you can get a hit in literally 5 seconds. I hit it at restaurants while I'm waiting on my order. Trust me dude, trade it, take it back, whatever, but whatever you do, take the Magic Flight challenge. I guarantee you'll like it better. I too was a doubter, but it's truth man.
The only people I ever hear saying bad things about the MFLB are people who clearly haven't used it and don't know anything about it...its sorta funny.
I too was an Iolite owner that wanted nothing to do with the MFLB but I took a chance and now my Iolite doesn't get used anymore. However, both have their advantages and disadvantages. I personally would rather depend on butane then batteries but that's just me. Anyways, never heard of a mouth itching after hitting the Iolite. I rarely used the mouthpiece so that might be why. I've always used tubing connected to the first part of the mouthpiece that screws into the actual iolite. The time where I would hit it with the standard mouthpiece I noticed that my mouth would dry out and my throat would get irritated faster.
That's sorta funny because I have both and clearly know how to use both. For the price i paid for my iolite it blows the fuck outta that piece of shit.
lwien is right. Once your mouth is dry for extended periods of time, you are susceptible to many oral diseases such as thrush, gum disease, etc.
I wasn't claiming my mouth was becoming a dry socket.. I said possibly it could be something similar. Thanks everyone for your comments though, It was simply a slight itch I was having for a good week until I stopped using my iolite. Could have just been coincidence.
1 Large can of Vector Butane costs less then $10 and lasts forever. I keep one can at home and another in the trunk of my car. It takes 10 seconds to refill, and I can vape 3 bowls worth on one fill up. I use my Iolite 2-3 times a day, almost every day. Durable, dependable and super-stealthy. I haven't tried a MFLB, but I'd like to. Stealth is a huge factor why I stick with the Iolite. I just put it into an empty coffee cup and I can vape anywhere with out arousing suspicion.
Or people like me who have used it and know all about it but still don't like it. It isn't powerful enough for my tastes and I hate putting the battery in, holding it (but not too long!) then breathing in really really slowly (but not too slow!). I like a vape I just load up and toke, plain and simple. No hassle