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Invisalign and toking?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by The Man in Black, Jan 30, 2014.

  1.   Hi guys, I read a few other threads on the site with this topic, but I still have a few questions and things that I'd appreciate having your opinion on. I really don't want to have the invisalign out of my mouth any longer than necessary, so of course it'd be preferable if I could just smoke with them in. I was thinking that soaking them in a highly diluted bleach/water mixture every couple of days might take care of any stains or residue. But I'm still worried about the effects of cottonmouth and what could be happening to my teeth themselves if I were to smoke with the braces in. (My problem with getting dry mouth is that I've heard that it's easy to get cavities with invisalign because of the bacteria that can become trapped between the braces and the teeth, and dry mouth promotes bacteria growth.) And if smoking with them on isn't an option, then what about vaping? I'm guessing it's all the same when it comes to stains, but I figured I'd ask anyway. And lastly, if I end up having to take them off for the duration of a smoke session, do I really have to brush my teeth after smoking? It seems a little pointless to me since I'd just pop them out for a couple minutes to take a few puffs, but I could be completely wrong. And if it matters, I generally use glass pipes and a Magic Flight Launch Box as smoking utensils.
       I apologize if these questions have already been answered elsewhere, I'm new to the site. Thank you to everyone, and any help would be greatly appreciated! 

  2. You're fine to smoke with it in
  3. Have you had them?
  4. Yo man dental student from aus here. How often are you smoking? For how long would you be removing your invisalign while you smoke? In terms of staining, not sure what you've heard, but the likelihood of the weed smoke causing any staining is minimal. You should be cleaning your invisalign as per normal anyway.
    Not sure where you are in the world but there are products you can buy that help with dry mouth (xerostomia), just ask a pharmacist. If you were to rinse your mouth with this during a session, you could very happily place your invisalign brace into your mouth even when you're still high.
    If you don't do this, then you probably should brush your teeth after a session before placing the brace back on. However have a few glasses of water before you do this. Hope that helps.
  5.   Thanks man, it's great to be able to ask a dental student these types of questions. I'm in the US, and I smoke at least twice daily or more due to insomnia, stomach issues, chronic anxiety, and nausea. My brushing is fine, I've never gotten a cavity in my life. Every time I eat I brush both the invisalign and my teeth as normal. I also soak the them in a diluted mixture of water and dawn dish soap once a day while I'm eating. In addition, I have been soaking them in a diluted water/clorox mix every few days. I'm very strict about keeping them on for at least 20 hours a day, smoke sessions included.
    I'm sorry to continue bothering you, but since the staining shouldn't be an issue, would it be harmful to just smoke with them in? It would definitely be more convenient for me. And if not, would it be cool to just pop them out, smoke, drink some water, and pop them back in again?    
                                    Thanks for all the replies!

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