Investigation begins into Charlottesville police standing down during the protests

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Green Wizard, Aug 30, 2017.

  1. So yeah as the title goes, here's a little video that should open some eyes on this event.

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  2. The thing is that you can open carry a gun in VA so he wasn't actually doing anything illegal. I don't support the racists here but I'm also aware of how VA, and the south in general, treats firearms. It may seem weird to people from places with tighter gun control but there is nothing a cop can legally do about this unless the guy openly fires at somebody with clear intent to harm. Warning shots are not illegal. Anyways, I'm apolitical so I don't really intend to argue this any further.
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  3. Why is that gross bitch trying to be sexy in the beginning of the video?
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Regardless, the point is the police didn't do shit. They didn't move or attempt to keep both sides from killing each other, which is their job. That's what I pay them to do. So the question is why didn't they?
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  5. She's selling merch. Plus she has nice tits and a good personality.
  6. Wonder if warning shots at cops are also legal.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. That is not their job bro, they aren't babysitters.
  8. Protect and serve bro, ever hear of it?
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  9. American Terrorist, should be treated as such. Firing into a a group of civilians with no immediate threat. That lighter flame was nowhere near him.

    Needs to be hunted down and brought to justice, maybe Antifa will help out since police can't. They usually are there to defend those who can't defend themselves.
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  10. Historically, did the police ever side with striking workers?
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  11. The fascist state will always protect its own.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  12. It seems like you're about to make the case for why guns rights are important.
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  13. you are right. They actually filed in the protesters in with the "anti-protesters" and sat back and watched it unfold. I wonder who was paying the person who made that decision?
    thats highly incorrect. The police are here to protect the citizens and their rights, including their right to free speech and peacefully assemble. It is 100% the police's job to protect people who are peacefully assembling, always, regardless of who the messenger is. Thats how america works, everyone has a voice, not just the voices you agree with.
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  14. if thats true fire them all and save money. their job is to enforce law. they didnt even attemp to do this
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  15. #15 Vicious, Aug 31, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2017
    The guy helping a group block the path of people trying to leave the park from a legal assembly with a makeshift flame thrower is the hero, huh? Ignoring the second bit which is just ignorant, I love when people talk about self defense laws or guns when they clearly don't know shit about them. You're allowed to protect other people, the flame didn't need to be by him, he was protecting others from criminal violence and bodily harm. If the flame was near him he probably could have put him down.

    I didn't know if this is legal in VA though, in many places it is not. If you discharge a gun you're better off just shooting and killing someone. No warning shots, no trying to injure. You neutralize the threat 100% and use the whole magazine if you need to.
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  16. Maybe showing up with a flamethrower isn't the brightest of ideas.... But there's no need to blow it out of proportion.
    The guy shot into a crowd of people, could have easily killed someone. The "flamethrower" is nowhere near as dangerous, kinda like my BBQ.
    Shooting at people is a whole different level.

    And police should have been on top of that mofo.
    They brought up a good point.... Wonder how this would go down if a black guy fired the gun.
  17. #17 Vicious, Aug 31, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2017
    He shot at the ground by his feet, which is negligent discharge in my book but I'm taking another blade's word about warning shots which is a different issue. I don't have time to read up on a different state's laws right now. VA is a stand your ground state, those people were criminally blocking their path and were being pushed out of the park by police. They had nowhere to retreat, which they are not required to. He shot to disperse the crowd. That is the core issue.

    Furthermore he had compelling reason to shoot the guy given the situation. People with bats, makeshift flamethrower, reports of stabbings, bricks and bottles filled with cement being thrown, people macing and pulling others into masked crowds to be beaten. And they were blocking their path. Anyone on those stairs had absolute justification to draw a weapon and he had the right to assist. I've been saying for years this will get ugly, political violence would escalate and it will probably happen in the South.

    It wouldn't have made any difference if he was black.
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  18. You could not be more wrong.

    Also, if you shoot... You shoot to kill. Anyone who believes "warning shots" are a good idea should have a psych eval. It's one of the first things they teach you..
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  19. Good news is that we don't live in your universe.

    Man arrested for firing gun at Charlottesville rally - CNN

    Preston is charged with discharging a firearm within 1,000 feet of a school, a felony that carries up to 10 years in prison.

    Baltimore Klansman arrested for firing a gun in Charlottesville previously charged with assaults, rape, never convicted

    Baltimore City Klansman, charged with firing a gun in the direction of counter-protesters during the Aug. 12 white supremacist demonstrations in Charlottesville, Virginia, has been previously charged with assault three separate times, and also faced rape charges, court records show.

    He should get a fucking medal of Honor. What an outstanding member of his community.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. If you pull a weapon in self-defense, you better use it with the full intent to kill.

    I take issue with your part about warning shots. It's a bad idea, it's not in any legitimate training, but people are people and they will often times use a firearm as a deterrent rather than a weapon. For some people it's the threat of being injured that's more frightening rather than the injury itself, hence why many people still do warning shots because they do work some times (again, not in favor of warning shots). To say someone needs a psych eval is just too much. I can't speak for the specific incident though because I haven't had the time to watch the video or keep up with anything related.
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