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Introduction and a Sincere Suggestion :)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Sykotic Samurai, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. Hey everybody,   :wave:
    Been tokin for a year or so, so not brand new to it but by no means experienced either. Although I did just join GC forums! :gc_rocks: For any brand new people on here, a big suggestion if you have some herb but don't know where to light it up, do it in the bathroom with the window open. I've been doing it for over a year now, and no one suspects a thing!
    So where do you smoke when you need stealth? Let me know!

  2. Anywhere In my house.

    Bird + Weed + Papers = Good time
  3. I've got a tree house that's 3 or 4 metres high that sits on telephone poles. Has powerpoints, windows and a light from the roof along with a balcony with a nice view. I keep all my bud related stuff up there because my parents would never be stuffed to climb the ladder up there haha it's perfect.
  4. Sounds epic, although I'm just glad I can toke in my house this time of year  :metal:
    We need pictures of that.
    Also back in the day when my mom wouldnt let me smoke during the weekdays I would just steam up the bathroom with my shower and then just smoke a bong inside the bathroom all steamed up. The steam just eats up smoke dude, idk how but it really helps. Also I would keep my shower door closed (idk how your showers are but I have a glass door almost to the ceiling) and get all the steam I could in there. Some of it would leak out through the top but it was fine as most of did does stay inside of the shower. Then I would open it and kickstart a pressure system know as the "Im smacked at this point" and all the steam would come out of the shower and push all the air out the window that was in the bathroom. My shower is on the complete right side of the room and I would be smoking on the left side and on the wall of the left side is the window (picture my bathroom as rectangle split in half, Right half shower, left side everything else and window) I love the laws of air pressure. So basically a perfect setup for the perfect situations. I guarantee this will somehow work in any bathroom. If you read through this...
  6. [quote name="NYCchronic" post="20930018" timestamp="1416068715"]We need pictures of that.

    Even if someone were to go up there I keep the bud and what not in a pencil case up out of sight in the rafters :)

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