Hey, I’m your mom. Call me mom or Daisy or grandma, whatever you prefer. Just cut out a bunch of hermies, 5 week old hermies at that. Purple kush in case you were wondering. I’m in mourning. I hate to lose plants. What can I do with them?
Welcome... mom I may be the weird one here but I just keep hermies. They don’t get special treatment, but they still have yields. other than I keep them away from girls unless I want fem seeds or something.
I thought so bud. These hyenas I live with wouldn’t believe me. Oh well, there’s still more, I guess we better keep a close eye on them. Moms know how to do that I’ve got 4 new stains sprouting, can’t wait to try those.
Oooh i pick the male genitals off my hermies and let them go full term usually get 1 or 2 seeds a plant...99 iso dipped tweezers a little patience and youll never kill another one again! Good luck Grama Daisy!! Sent from my LM-X210 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
@JonHasMunchies these we’re “freebie females”.Guess they’re costly shemales. I better watch them closely. At least they were the last of them. I’m gonna try lucky charms and sour diesel. You guys ever grow those?
@Bushman420 are you kidding me? Dang I’ll have to remember that for the next time. Thanks for the tip pal.
I would never give bad advise to my mom! Deadly serious tried and true in my own garden with great success! If i wernt half blind i may have avoided even the 2 seeds a plant i did find...assuming its genetics and not stress or light simply removing male sections sack by sack will completely halt the hermafrication (made up word sorry) Sent from my LM-X210 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
lol all words started as being made up right? Uuugghhh uummpt faaah der @Budmiser oh don’t even go there!!!
Heres a look at last years hermie gone full term... Sent from my LM-X210 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Back to the hermies,though....I've been damn lucky I guess...I've never seen a 'true' hermie yet (knock on wood ) Only found a few balls showed up on my last batch of plants right at harvest time,so no biggie... Probably just stress related.
lol it’s not only for hermies. I think mine were stressed too. If the purple kush pollinated my GG4 we’ll have PG13
HA!!! So I just joined and got a message wanting to know if I wanted to buy lights? What’s the deal? People try to sell you stuff when you join?