So i have had a little black cat from 12 weeks fo about a month, lovely, playfull, affectionate. we thought she needed a little play friend. got a tabbyXsiamese cat, the lady said she was 5 months but turns out she is pretty big and blatantly about 10 months. my little black one just wants to play and the new one just sits behind the sofa hissing. has anyone have any info on introducing them? my little kitten just wants to play but this new one is having none of it
I know that feeding them close together, behind a cracked door, not so that they can see each other, just smell.. so that they can get used to the others scent and whatnot. I'm not sure how long you've had the new cat for but I know you usually want to keep them separated for the first week or two so the new one can get used to it's surroundings, but you should take it slow with them, eventually you should be good to open the door, or put a baby gate up so that they can see each other while eating. On a side note there's a show on Netflix called 'My Cat from Hell' that I started watching when I got my kitten (didn't have any problems with him, there's just a lot of good information on there).
[quote name="Big_Daddy`" post="19393340" timestamp="1390509574"]I know that feeding them close together, behind a cracked door, not so that they can see each other, just smell.. so that they can get used to the others scent and whatnot. I'm not sure how long you've had the new cat for but I know you usually want to keep them separated for the first week or two so the new one can get used to it's surroundings, but you should take it slow with them, eventually you should be good to open the door, or put a baby gate up so that they can see each other while eating.On a side note there's a show on Netflix called 'My Cat from Hell' that I started watching when I got my kitten (didn't have any problems with him, there's just a lot of good information on there).[/quote]Took her back as she was a vicious little shit haha. Kept our kitten. Picking up a little 10 week old tonight.Sent from my spaceship using Grasscity Forum
When you get the new kitten let it chill for about a day, there's probably gonna be some hissing. Give it a little bit of time. I have two rescues with almost a year age difference, the first two days were ruff but yours will figure it out. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Don't even want to go into how many cats we have. They're all rescues and they range in age from 6 months, to 5 years. Cats need to be seperated before you integrate them, in most cases. If you have more than one... you have a chance of one, accepting the new cat, right away... but typically, it ain't going to happen. So keep them in separate rooms, but only separated by a door, so they can smell each other. After a day, start by opening the door, while you're standing there and let them get a little closer acquainted. Do this, until they get used to each other. Kittens, will adapt fast.
Coming from a guy who was in a situation where we had one cat for about 4 years, and another showed up a little over a year ago, they initially fought a little bit, but now they sleep together and generally co-exist just fine. They just need to sort it out between themselves, there isn't a ton you can do except keep them temporarily separated.
Got this little cutie, charlie Had them apart for a few hours, them had them together for a few, over night apart but they getting better Original, called her bageera, jungle book black cat Sent from my spaceship using Grasscity Forum
Just got a cat yesterday now I'm gonna smoke a bowl and watch that show with my new kitty lol thanks for the recommendation.
Your big fuzzy black cat looks like Skittles, the younger of my two feline bros. When we introduced them, the older cat, Motor was about a year old. He was a friendly, playful guy, who kept trying to play with our big dog so we were confident he'd be fine. Skittles was a kitten. We brought skittles home and set him up in one bedroom with water, food, liter box, and toys. Motor was outside the room, sniffing and sticking his paws under the door-fluffed up to make himself look bigger. Though it would be tempting to just sit in the kitten room, we made a point to give motor extra attention so he wouldn't feel neglected or jealous. When we let them meet after a few days, they both acted a little scared of each other, but at different times. We kept them mostly separated for a day or so after that, then let skittles out into the house. Eventually they started playing, and now they're the bestest lil bros.
Originally I had a little gray one like the one above too but was disabled but looked identical to it. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?