I been vaporizing over a year, always wonder why vapor gives different buzz. Search the net, people say smoke contains combusted plant material, that makes difference. I believe vapor contains uncombusted thc, smoke contains combusted thc. That's why. I put vapor into a bottle, dip in a hot rod to combust it and taste again. Well, uncombusted vapor taste like virgin, combusted vapor taste like whore. I am building a new kind of vaporizer called Oxidation Vaporizer. if you like the idea, build it for yourself, simply add another heating element on your hot box to heat the vapor above 500 F then inhale it. You got to try the combusted vapor, it really is different high, I am addicted already. Burn a glass rod till red hot, dip in your bottle of vapor, wait few seconds and taste it! this is how it works, so far so good. ambient air ---> heating chamber 1 ---> 300-400 F ---> pass through weed ---> virgin vapor ---> heating chamber 2 ---> 500 F ---> whore vapor if use 480 F in chamber 2, you get 60% whore and 40% virgin vapor. kind of. So far only few people in the world have tasted such high. It is a new high. strong like smoke, pure like vapor. I am not using it for pain, not sure if it works better for that.
ambient air ---> heating chamber 1 ---> 300-400 F ---> pass through weed ---> virgin vapor ---> heating chamber 2 ---> 500 F ---> whore vapor --->glass bottle for cooling --->inhale You are right on!
Combusted vapor is similar to smoke pure thc. When smoking a joint, the tip of the joint is combusting, the hot smoke gets maybe 800 to 1000 F, but when it passes through the joint, the temperature may down to 400 F, so you inhale smoke and vapor. Taste different than smoking a bowl. Vaporize pure thc or smoke pure thc gives different high, it's a fact. Vaporize is a way to get thc without mess with plant material.
I am thinking when people start to smoke in prehistory, they might already discovered/inhaled/tasted vapor of weed and tobacco, but vapor is not as buzz/addictive as smoke, so everyone smoke till 18?? someone invented vaporizer cus smoke is harmful to health. People are smart, how come no one invent vaporizer before 1800? Oxidized thc and nicotine are for sure more buzz, agree? We need oxi vape, and oxi vaping pipe, so in door or out, buzzed up. God bless smoker!
I think oxidized thc and vaporized thc are totally different, what do you want to bet? How about an oz?