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Intro and nug ID

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by woodpusher, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. New here from Northwest AR. Cool forum, glad to be here. Picked this up for 4 an o but don't know the strain. Smokes nice, earthy skunky smell (strong), heady high, potent. Any ideas?


    Thanks guys and gals.
  2. it's dank... can't tell a strain name just by looking at it
  3. its usually hard to tell from the looks of it...but what i can tell you is that if it smells dank its goods not mids...mids have a somewhat dank smell but when you smell goods the first thing after you smell it you say "DAMN!"

    but by the look of it, the hairs, and the kinda looks like fire or some cali grown...that's all i can really give for the strand

    have fun with that dank though :smoking:

    you sellin it or personal supply?
  4. your not allowed to talk about selling so why even ask that question
  5. Personal use, but if you aren't sharing, you shouldn't be smoking right? I'm trying to learn about the different strains of goods. I'm fascinated by this shit. Especially when I'm smoking it. :smoking:

    Here is a pic of what I was told was Sour Diesel. Hardly any odor, gread body high that really lasted a long time. I swear it cleared my sinuses. I though SD was supposed to reek?


    You can't tell by looking at all?
  6. first one looks like some NL#9 x NYC Diesel x Super Lemon Kush. second one looks like Fucking Incredible x PineApple Express x Bubba Kush.
  7. Are you fuckin' with me? :cool:
  8. ...honestly...that doesn't look like SD...all i smoke is SD where i am for the semester...actually have 5 gs in my drawer right now!!! :D but i must say that looks lacking in the crystals and hairs... :( and my SD is mad dank...maybe try crackin it open and smellin it, the outside might b dry...but just plain lookin at a nug won't give you the strain...usually...unless you have white widow or some purple purp (not purple haze)...i've never seen it but my friend constantly smokes purple weed nd his dealers call it purple purp...but other than that you can't really tell 100%

    the OP pics look better than the SD...and if that's really SD then the OP is def cali goods :D

    happy tokin:smoking:
  9. Don't have it often, but when i do it's medical stuff that's real Sour D. It fuckin reeks like a bunch of skunks got into some fuel.

    that's correct. Even if it had a very distinct phenotype like being purple, as an example, there's so many possibilities of what it could be. It could be an f1 hybrid that's just expressing a phenotype of one parent more than the other. The possibilities are endless

  10. couldn't have said it better myself -rep for you sir
  11. t
    What's an OP? :eek:
  12. Does it look like Cali because of it's cure? Quality, size, trikes?
  13. OP = original poster
  14. just a little :D
    looks dnk as fuck though, whatever it is

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