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interrupted 12/12 from light

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by weedman88, Aug 13, 2008.

  1. I was just wondering how my Bud will turn out if my plant had been in light for about 3 hrs longer than the 12 hrs for the flowering cycle will affect my bud growth? Will it just stall abit or no real difference. The plant has been in flowering for about 2 weeks and sites are just forming all over
  2. Longer light will not hurt the plant....shorter dark periods WILL!

    So if the light on period went for 15hrs, that's not a big deal...but you have to make sure that when the lights go out they stay out for 12hrs.
  3. it doesnt do much really, i did this several times on my first grow.

    they turned out hermies but not badly, and this was due to many other things including power cuts and stressing the plants by over ferting etc.

    if i hadnt have had the power cut for like 2 days or over fed the plants i doubt they would have ever hermied even though i had left the light on 2-3 hours longer some nights

    in my opinion if you get them back into routine they should be fine.

    gd luck
  4. Ok thanks for the help guys
  5. makess no real difference.

    as Klutter said you have to make sure that when the lights go out they stay out for 12hrs.

    good luck with the grow and get a timer :hello:

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