by Bob Newland, South Dakota There's more good information about cannabis on the Internet than just about any other subject. Simply inquire "hemp," "cannabis," or "marijuana" on any search engine. For a tragic laugh, see what the major disseminators of misinformation, the Office of National Drug Control Policy ( ONDCP ) and the Parents for a Drug-Free America ( whose largest funder is Anheuser-Busch ) have to say on the subject. I didnt know the beer companies were in to stop cannibus prohibition too that actually suprized me that their that scared people will stop drinking beer
that buzz, when you've thrown a few back and smoked a couple joints, is pretty rockin'. i'm not a huge drinker, but i do appreciate bud & beer together. i think one of the reasons they're trying to push legalization of marijuana is so they can jump the corporate bandwagon and sell marijuana cigarettes. however i thought it was marlboro who already has a patented marijuana cigarette name/box?? my memory isn't workin too hard today so i'll stop trying to remember stuff now xo!