Interesting thought about parents...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by rebirth, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. So every now and then i will go on an ATV trip with my dad and a bunch of his old high school friends up in Wisconson. We were at some bar on a trail and my dad was outside. I was talkin to his friend and he straight up asked me if i smoked weed. I was like "uh.... dont tell my dad but, ya." he said he knew it cuz i have long hair (fuckin stereotype lol). I asked if he ever did, but more importantly if my dad ever did. I have never talked to my dad about his past with drugs and whatnot, but this conversation with his friend BLEW MY FUCKING MIND. He told me that he remembered hangin with my dad and getting blazed before Pink Floyd concerts and then dropping acid halfway through the set. He said that they all did cocaine and tons of other shit too. I knew my dad partied and stuff but i guess i never knew to what extent.


    I still hide everything about me smokin weed from him and my mom, but i feel if my dad caught me, he couldnt really get mad or know? All i've ever tried is weed, and he has done fucking coke! lol Does this seem like a valid argument ?

    Also, i think it would be great to smoke a bowl with my dad. I read about some of you guys doin it all the time with your parents and it just sounds like a great bonding experience. Part of me wants to just talk to my dad and ask him to roll a joint with me, but the other part of me is scared that he will pull some random bullshit lecture ("well i made some bad decisions in my life and i dont want you to make those same decisions" kinda thing). Opinions?
  2. Nope. And I've heard plenty of other people say stuff like this.

    It's a simple concept really. We grow and we learn, just because he did that stuff back in the day does not mean he wants you to do it and it doesn't make him a hypocrite if he were to express that he doesn't want you doing it.

    It's by no means a double standard. It's a matter of what a parent wants for their child.
  3. With my valid argument thing i just meant that all im doing is weed where he has done things that are worse like coke and acid. An analogy to that is saying like he totaled his car the same day i got in a fender bender and he still gets really mad at me. (that didnt happen, im just sayin)
  4. your parents want whats best for you dude dont piss them off on purpose :)

    deception is sometimes the better choice.
  5. That's not a very solid analogy (especially considering the many variables in car accidents). ;)

    But, if we were to continue your analogy, it wouldn't be the same day. It would be more like he totaled a car over 30 years ago and you got in a fender bender today. Because I assume he's not still doing these drugs.
  6. ya guys i understand what you are saying. i dunno, i dont plan on getting caught, but if i do, i guess ill see what he thinks lol. has anyone else experienced this though?

  7. and ya that was fuckin dumb, lol my bad

  8. try not to get caught, thats probably best. You never know how he might react. I think a little bit of my dad died inside when he found out how much weed i smoked... and he was a alchoholic and basically did every drug...

    im sure your dad wouldn't want you to do other shit like LSD or Coke like him, and im presuming he started on weed and only weed like you... weed has been a gateway drug for him possibly so he will think that it will be the same for you...

    your dad probably doesn't want his little boy doing drugs.

    Then again he may be chill as fuck and smoke with you...

    but hey what do i know lol.

    hope i made sense im absolutely fried.
  9. "Doing drugs with parents is just wrong"-NOFX
  10. lmao i dont see nothin wrong wit blazin wit ya pops
  11. My dad smokes more weed than i do. But he is a closet smoker and doesn't condone me smoking. He knows i do it he just refuses to join. My mom on the other hand doesn't smoke and is totally cool with me smoking. There married and live in the same house and everything just have differant opinions on it i guess. moral of the story. parents dont react the way you would expect on thi subject. I would do anything to blaze a bowl with my dad.
  12. Well, you could tell him. I can see a parent wants what is best for their kid, but if you are 18... do what you want. If he doesn't approve, then I suppose you can pull that card.

    I would like to say however that LSD is in NO WAY worse for you than cannabis and cannabis itself is not really that horrible either... in fact, would I be out of line in saying the risks are minimal when dosing on LSD?

    Your dad seems cool, though... there must be a reason why he never told you though. I'm sure he'd be fine with weed, but he was likely avoiding telling you about his past drug use for fear he might push you into the wrong direction; y'know? You'll find these things out on your own, and your dad won't have much of a say in whether you want to experiment or not. Just don't let your experimenting get out of control; I'm sure that's what he is worried about.

    Good luck, OP!
  13. It comes down to the old cliche, his house, his rules. As a toker with 3 teenage daughters I can say that my girls are not allowed to smoke even though they kinda know we do. We don't do it out in the open but it's pretty hard to hide so they know. Are we hypocrits? Yeah sorta but I don't really care. I also don't want them smoking cigs, drinking, or having sex even though I did those things at their age. Parents try their best to lead by example but we're not perfect and we don't expect them to be either. Fortunatly we have a great relationship with our girls so they can and do come to us to talk about things. So far the two oldest have asked us to be put on birth control and we did that even though we still strongly discourage them from having sex. We are blessed with great kids who understand the concept of "do as we say not as we do" even though they might not agree with us. They know we only want what's best for them and that we think they're too young for that stuff right now. So far so good :) Again, our house our rules.

    LSD is no worse than cannabis?? LoL!
  14. make some brownies and give him one
  15. you have something to hold against him if he catches you smoking pot say coke is 100x worst you hypocrit and so forth...
  16. I really hope you aren't serious.
  17. Best advice yet.

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