Interesting theory question on bongs =)

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by sdrawkcabnipyt, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Well. Im getting high right now, and everyone knows, with some really good weed, your mind is going to run and eventually find a question in your head that you absolutely need to find the answer to.

    This time, my question is about getting high, and the most efficient way of doing that.

    I have many friends whom I smoke bongs with. When I first was initiated to them, I was told to suck kinda hard and then clear it. But I've noticed everyone has different speeds at which they hit their weed.. I've tried many different variations of speeds, and I feel like hitting it slower, the weed hit's me harder.

    But then I thought, if your hitting it slower, your leaving the weed cherried for a considerable longer amount of time. Is it burning more away per hit? Is it more concentrated?

    My thoughts so far are, yes it is burning away more per hit pulling a bong slowly and filling it in 20seconds rather than 3. I also think its more concentrated because, even though theres less oxygen pulled in the weed is still so hot it starts releasing its thc, which in my head says there would just be a lot more thc than the older thc:eek:xygen level of your hit.

    So what do you think is theres a perfect speed you want to attain??
  2. #2 MisterNatural, Feb 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2011
    I'm not trying to be mean but you're overthinking it. Any differences would be negligible. Take hits you're comfortable with so you don't cough and waste it. Bongs are not the most efficient way to smoke if you're trying to conserve weed.
  3. I agree with the guy above but I believe you're correct. I personally suck very lightly so that I can get the most amount of smoke possible and then still have enough breath to rip the shit out of it so I can get all the smoke in my lungs.

  4. Bongs may not be the best but they're a close 2nd in my book. Nothing like getting ripped after taking a giant hit through your 8 million percs and 17 diffusers.
  5. I too notice the hits are better when I hit my bong slower.
  6. How are bongs inefficient? i get super ripped of hardly any bud (if its dank that is)
  7. I like to take short sort of jolts (but not to fast that the water splashes up) from the bong until its full and clear it, it will make even a shitty bong milk :D
  8. this almost sounds like it belongs in the Apprentice section
  9. the slower you hit it the more time the smoke has to get stale so shoot for the middle
  10. It makes no difference how hard you pull in terms of how high you get. When you pull slowly, the smoke concentrates and turns think and yellow, so it all hits you at once. When you pull faster, the smoke gets thinner and milks up more area. So it's the same amount of smoke/THC, but it feels different on the lungs.

    I personally pull pretty slowly too, but not too slow. I don't like a big cloud of yellow smoke, I like a huge cloud of white smoke. Also when you pull too hard (if your using ice pinch slides or no screens especially) your bud pulls through, which is a pet peeve of mine. HATE when I do that.

    Kind of unrelated note: I also don't light my weed much. I cherry the top layer with a glass rod (anything but butane or another gas), and once the top is lit, I let the cherry burn the rest. That way some of the bud on the bottom hardly combusts, but the THC is all burnt off.
  11. #11 zehn, Feb 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    If you want to talk about real efficiency when it comes to weed, then you need to start looking at vaporizers. Many offer >80% cannabinoid transfer, which means you get higher for the same amount of weed.

    Consider the Purple Days vaporizer, which I and many others consider to be the most efficient vape on the market. Some people, with low tolerances and good weed, are able to get where they want to be off of only one bowl, which typically weighs a whopping .025 of a gram. Try getting high off of that amount in your bong haha

  12. Well said. I smoke usually once a day (at night) and all I do for myself is one Purple Days vape bowl packed full (.025g) with good herb always; dankest I can find. I'm always high after that bowl.

    Yea, the amount of weed I put in there I could MAYBE put into a gravity/waterfall and take one hit and be a little high. Put that much in a bong? I don't even know if they make bowls small enough, haha.
  13. Haha yeah, exactly. Personally my tolerance is somewhat high so it takes me normally a couple bowls in the PD to get high, but either way I'm using so little weed anyways it doesn't matter that it takes 2 or 3.

  14. That almost sounded annoying.
  15. #15 Stoops, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    I myself also love a long slow hit on my bong. Just a few of those and I'm good for a while. But if I take 3 fast hits off the bong I'm just as high.
  16. Ive heard other statistics than this, but just off the net with a quick search(not my first time) i found this for THC transfer rate:
    Joint - 28%
    Bong - 78%
    Vaporizer - 92%

    Your joint point(lol) i cant agree with.
    Vaporizers, that might be true but it doesn't give the same high. I think because vaporizers are set for the right temps for THC to release, but their are many other chemicals involved in "getting high" besides thc. Vapes just dont do it for me. PLUS! why bother smoking for 30-45min to get as high as I can in one bong rip.
  17. Suck as hard as you can. AND that is what she said! In fact! That's what everyone said!
  18. once the bowl is cherried, i like to take a slightly below average hit, clear it, put the slide back in and take a smaller hit, and clear that; all in one breath. i know its really strange and its just something weird i do, but it gets me pretty baked. as far as the speed of the hit is concerned, i usually hit bongs a little slow, mostly just to avoid making my lungs cry out in pain.
  19. Lately I use high water levels and hit it fast so there's some bubbles going on :) ! It's much tastier and smoother in my experience:smoke:.
  20. #20 zehn, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    Yeah I'm kinda second guessing that study now. Basically the jist of it was that they thought that a large amount of THC was lost to sticking to the sides of the bong and downstem. At the same time I can't imagine that they were testing with SG pillars and Toro circs and whatnot. They were probly using some shitty grommet bong lol or some plastic shit. I think with these highend bongs you're right they are probly more efficient that a joint.

    EDIT: Honestly looking at those numbers above I think 78% is a little high for a bong. Your ARE still combusting it which by nature destroys much of the THC before it gets to you. Keep in mind this forum strongly favors glass bongs over just about any other type of smoking.

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